Парламент Малайзии в деталях

Наши люди в Малайзии. Не туристические вопросы экспатам
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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Парламент Малайзии в деталях

Сообщение Евлампий » 12 мар 2019 23:42

Тема о работе, структуре и организации малайзийского Парламента.

В теме будут сконцентрированно представлены материалы текущих парламентских сессий нынешнего 14-го парламента страны.

Напомню, что пленарная сессия (session) малазийского парламента происходит раз в год, и делится на три заседания (meetings) в течение отдельно взятого года (весна, лето, осень).

Так, нынешний 2019г. – время второй пленарной сессии парламента четырнадцатого созыва. Предыдущая первая сессия в двух заседаниях (16.07.2018 - 16.08.2018; 15.10.2018 - 11.12.2018) была проведена после формирования нового состава парламента по итогам всеобщих выборов в нижнюю палату 09 мая 2018г.

Отсюда, сейчас в период с 11.03.2019 по 11.04.2019 проводится первое заседание второй сессии, открытое вчера (11 марта) речью Е.К.В. Верховного монарха Малайзии в адрес парламента, с чем и поздравляю любителей и патриотов страны.

Весь процесс проведения парламентских слушаний отражается на государственном малазийском ресурсе http://www.parlimen.gov.my/index.php - официальный сайт парламента Малайзии. Но любителям и патриотам надо знать, как правильно им пользоваться.

На главной странице англоязычной версии указанного ресурса мы видим 4 (четыре) основные вкладки, в которых разворачивается полный цикл принятия законопроектов и публикации сопутствующей документации (они расположены не на самом верху, а под общим заголовком "1-е заседание 2-ой сессии 14-го парламента":

1) Order Paper (Повестка дня) - включает в себя вопросы парламентариев в адреса соответствующих министров. Каждому запросу присваивается шифр для его дальнейшего отслеживания.

Вкладка делится на:

- House of Representatives (для целей этого разъяснения назовём её часть 1)
- Oral Answers (часть 2)
- Special Chamber (часть 3)
- Senate (часть 4)
- Oral Answers (часть 5)



В первой части (House of Representatives - "Палата представителей", она же собственно нижняя палата), при нажатии, появляется разбиение вопросов по дням заседания. Нажав на соответствующий день, мы увидим документ Order Paper "Повестка дня", состоящий из четырёх секций.

вопросы министрам, ответы которых не требуют письменной фиксации. Их относительно немного, от трёх до пяти, буквально одна-две страницы документа с самого начала.

Это основная секция, занимающая от нескольких десятков до сотни и более вопросов. Вопросы изложены персонально от парламентариев в адрес определённых министров, при этом ответы министров идут с обязательной письменной фиксацией ответа, которая непосредственно в этом документе не отражена, но изложена далее во второй части Oral Answers ("Устные ответы").

предложения, замечания и - наиболее важно - первичные инициативы на последующие парламентские слушания (адресованы персонально от парламентариев в адрес определённых министров) по насущным проблемам, с указанием проблем. В таких слушаниях задействованы инициаторы, министры и партийные представители по спектру партий как со стороны правящей коалиции, так и со стороны оппозиционной коалиции, а также неприсоединившихся партий и внепартийных парламентариев.
Также первые, вторые или третьи чтения, продолжающие работу предшествующих дней заседания или же предшествующей сессии по голосованию законопроектов (поправок), с указанием таковых.
Как правило, даже в англоязычной версии сайта третья секция документа Order Paper "Повестка дня" представлена на малайском языке.

Четвёртая секция - SPECIAL CHAMBER
Специальная палата. Отдельные речи (с указанием темы и оратора) без письменной фиксации, касающиеся первичных инициатив предшествующих заседаний. Как правило, две речи от двух парламентариев по двум темам.

Первая секция, как правило, короткая (одна страница).
Количество вопросов и инициатив по второй и третьей секции варьируется день ото дня, согласно интенсивности работы.
Четвёртая как правило короткая (одна страница).

Такова структура англоязычного документа Order Paper "Повестка дня", получаемого при нажатии строки того или иного дня в первой части House of Representatives - "Палата представителей".

При нажатии House of Representatives ("Палата представителей") также доступен архив предшествующих заседаний / сессий / парламентов.


Во второй части (Oral Answers "Устные ответы") представлены в текстовом виде ответы министров на вопросы парламентариев в первой части House of Representatives - "Палата представителей" (вторая секция документа Order Paper "Повестка дня"). Но здесь имеется особенность. Эти ответы полностью отсутствуют в англоязычной версии сайта - однако присутствуют в версии на малайском языке.
Как их найти? Очень просто - переходим в версию Bahasa Malaysia в правом верхнем углу сайта, и на точно такой же странице (только на малайском языке) наблюдаем вторую часть, именуемую Jawapan Lisan ("Устные ответы") в общей вкладке Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat ("Повестка дня") которая, как мы помним, есть одна из четырёх основных вкладок.

Для лучшей пространственной ориентации укажем эту вкладку на малайском языке полностью, в полном соответствии англоязычной версии выше:

Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat (Повестка дня), делится на

- Dewan Rakyat (Палата представителей)
- Jawapan Lisan (Устные ответы (Палате представителей))
- Kamar Khas (Специальная палата)
- Dewan Negara (Сенат, он же Верхняя палата)
- Jawapan Lisan Dewan Negara (Устные ответы (Верхней палате))

Итак, чтобы увидеть устные ответы министров в текстовом виде на вопросы парламентариев нижней палаты (отражённые в документе Order Paper "Повестка дня"), надо переходить в малайскую версию сайта в часть "Jawapan Lisan". В англоязычной версии ответы министров в текстовом виде (равно как и в любом виде) отсутствуют. Фактически, в англоязычной версии вторая часть Oral Answers "Устные ответы") совершенно пустая.
Устные ответы министров даны в текстовом виде полностью по всем вопросам второй секции QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS документа Order Paper "Повестка дня", извлекаемого из первой части House of Representatives - "Палата представителей" англоязычной версии сайта (см.выше). При этом сами вопросы так же дублируются (на малайском языке) перед каждым ответом.

При нажатии Jawapan Lisan (Устные ответы (Палате представителей)) доступен архив предшествующих заседаний / сессий / парламентов.


В третьей части Special Chamber ("Специальная палата") как было разъяснено выше фиксируется факт отдельных речей без письменной фиксации, касающихся первичных инициатив предшествующих заседаний. Как правило, две речи от двух парламентариев по двум темам.
При этом ни в английской, ни в малайской версии текстовых изложений этих речей нет, вероятно потому что они достаточно произвольны и перемежаются диалоговыми обменами с парламентариями. Собственно, явление "Специальной палаты" существует лишь с марта 2016г., и призвано заострить внимание парламентариев на каких-то особых, по мнению выступающих, темах. По сути, при нажатии этой части получаемые данные, по дням, представляют собой ту же самую (отдельную) заключительную страницу документа Order Paper "Повестка дня", извлекаемого из первой части House of Representatives - "Палата представителей" англоязычной версии сайта. В англоязычной версии сайта может, по заседаниям и сессиям, работать или не работать, в малайской версии всегда "выдаёт" эту самую одну страницу.

При нажатии Special Chamber ("Специальная палата") также доступен архив предшествующих заседаний / сессий / парламентов.


В четвёртой части Senate ("Верхняя палата"), при нажатии по дням, мы видим документ Order Paper "Повестка дня" где изложены, по соответствующим дням, вопросы сенаторов в адрес министров для устных ответов. Структура этого документа предусматривает лишь две секции (а не четыре, как в нижней палате) - вопросы для устных ответов и чтения законопроектов, поступивших в уже проголосованном виде из нижней палаты.
Как видно, по сравнению с деятельностью нижней палаты объём действий верхней палаты намного более узок и прост - что и понятно, поскольку, как мы знаем, члены верхней палаты не избираются а назначаются (из заксобраний штатов, а также королём страны "за заслуги перед страной" по рекомендации премьера.) Отсюда, роль верхней палаты чисто рекомендательная, от вопросов например финансового характера она полностью отстранена, права бесповоротного преодоления результатов голосования в нижней палате не имеет.

При нажатии доступен архив предшествующих заседаний / сессий / парламентов.


В пятой части (Oral Answers "Устные ответы") подразумевается наличие в текстовом виде ответов министров парламентариям верхней палаты (сенаторам) по их вопросам. Однако ни в англоязычной, ни в малайской версии сайта их нет - более того, нет даже архива таковых ответов. как видно, приоритет в информировании пользователей сайта (и, не исключаю, приоритет вообще в предоставлении министрами ответов) закреплён за нижней палатой.


Проверим изложенное выше на практике.

Найдём, например, за 12 марта 2019г.:
а) вопросы парламентариев в адрес министров без письменной фиксации устного ответа;
б) вопросы парламентариев и устные ответы министров на них, зафиксированные в текстовом виде;
в) первичные инициативы парламентариев в адрес министров на последующие слушания по насущным проблемам, с указанием проблем;
г) темы речей "специальной палаты".

Шаг 1: Открываем домашнюю страницу англоязычной версии сайта Парламента Малайзии

Шаг 2: В разделе Order Paper ("Повестка дня") нажимаем на House of Representatives. Видим перечень дат, по строкам, начиная с 11 марта 2019г. (дата начала заседания, длящегося с 11.03.2019 по 11.04.2019, непосредственно 11 марта отмечена лишь обращением короля). Нажимаем строку "12 марта 2019г.".
Автоматически открывается документ формата pdf на 27 страниц. Документ доступен для скачивания.
- На его первой странице - три вопроса, не требующие письменной фиксации устного ответа министров, причём в документе эта страница не пронумерована (на английском языке).
- Со страницы с второй по шестнадцатую (нумерация в документе с первой по пятнадцатую с учётом непронумерованной первой) - 82 вопроса парламентариев министрам (на английском языке). Устные ответы министров на них зафиксированы в текстовом виде, но в данном документе отсутствуют - мы найдём их далее на малайском языке выполняя следующий шаг 3, 4, 5.
- Со страницы семнадцатой по двадцать шестую (нумерация в документе с шестнадцатой по двадцать пятую с учётом непронумерованной первой) - 24 предложения и первичных инициатив (на последующие слушания по насущным проблемам, с указанием проблем) от парламентариев министрам, на малайском языке.
- Заключительная двадцать седьмая (или по нумерации - двадцать шестая) страница представляет собой две темы двух речей в рамках деятельности "специальной палаты".

Шаг 3: Чтобы найти устные ответы министров, зафиксированные в письменном виде - а в нашем случае это 82 ответа на 82 вопроса - заходим на малайскую версию сайта (через Bahasa Malaysia в правом верхнем углу). Для удобства лучше начать посещение с главной страницы.

Шаг 4: Во вкладке Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat (Повестка дня), нажимаем на вторую строку Jawapan Lisan (Устные ответы (Палате представителей)). Она следует сразу под первой строкой Dewan Rakyat (Палата представителей). Видим строки дат текущего (только текущего!) заседания и доступ к архиву предшествующих.

Шаг 5: далее нажимаем на строку "12 марта 2019г.". Автоматически открывается документ формата pdf на 204 (двести четыре) страницы, в котором на малайском языке отражены как вопросы, так и развёрнутые ответы министров на них. Документ доступен для скачивания. 82 вопроса, 82 ответа, один день заседания.
Напомню, что эти пять шагов приведут к получению только тех устных ответов от министров, которые фиксируются в текстовом виде. По сути, они касаются только второй - хоть и самой большой - секции QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS документа Order Paper "Повестка дня", извлекаемого из первой части House of Representatives - "Палата представителей" англоязычной версии сайта.

Можно заметить, что в какие-то дни заседаний вопросы парламентариев и ответы министров могут быть недоступны. Это нормальный процесс.

Всё вышеизложенное посвящено только первой вкладке из четырёх, а именно Order Paper / Повестка дня (или же Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat в малайской версии) на главной странице сайта парламента Малайзии.


Сообщения: 1043
Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
Благодарил (а): 57 раз
Поблагодарили: 269 раз

Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 13 мар 2019 14:04

Далее по трём оставшимся вкладкам, охватывающих полный цикл парламентской работы на сессии, разъяснение будет кратким, поскольку логика расположения материалов схожа с первой вкладкой Order Paper / Повестка дня (или же Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat в малайской версии).

2) Hansard (стенографические материалы прений)
Стенография прений, именуемая на британский манер "хансард", охватывает все выступления парламентариев, диалоговые обмены, по каждому дню заседания. В англоязычной версии сайта отсутствует, имеется только на малайском языке в малайской версии сайта.

Англоязычная вкладка делится на:

- House of Representatives
- Special Chamber
- Senate
- Majlis Mengangkat Sumpah Ahli Dewan Negara (совет верхней палаты по принесению присяги)

В малайской версии тот же "хансард" (Penyata Rasmi) делится на:

- Dewan Rakyat (нижняя палата)
- Kamar Khas (специальная палата)
- Dewan Negara (верхняя палата)
- Majlis Mengangkat Sumpah Ahli Dewan Negara (совет верхней палаты по принесению присяги)

Стенография полностью отсутствует в англоязычной версии, имеется, по дням заседания, только в малайской версии..

В четвёртой строке "хансарда" как в англоязычной так и в малайской версии сайта мы видим строку "Majlis Mengangkat Sumpah Ahli Dewan Negara". В обеих версиях сайта информации в ней нет. Это новелла, ранее на сайте отсутствовала. Предполагается, что в ней будут сосредоточены присяги членов парламента, персонально. К текущим обсуждениям вопросов отношения не имеет.

Подчеркну: из "хансарда" можно извлекать прямые обсуждения и видеть позиции (мнения) участников. Это важно, и это первоисточник, превосходящий толкования любых СМИ.

3) Bills (федеральные законы, поправки). Включает в себя как совершенно новые, так и поправки к существующим. Полностью доступны с англоязычной версии. Вкладка делится на нижнюю палату (House of Representatives) и верхнюю палату (Senate), причём порядковый номер закона/поправки в ведении нижней палаты превышает номер закона/поправки верхней палаты. Это следствие нормального процесса согласования - инициативы, попеременно, голосуются три раза в нижней и верхней палате.

Здесь же доступен архив всех предшествующих законов/поправок со указанием статуса: первое, второе, третье чтение, окончательное согласование.

4) Risalat (справочные материалы)
Содержит годовые отчёты, аудиты по деятельности государственных компаний, фондов, университетов (в основном на малайском языке). Практически используется в архивном виде.


Такова разъяснительная часть для общего понимания и прозрачности.

В практической части целесообразно поступать так: открывать перечень вопросов парламентариев министрам на английском языке, выбирать интересующий вопрос и искать ответ по указанным выше шагам.

Очень удобно иметь на экране компьютера две параллельные страницы: вопросы и ответы.

перечень вопросов за 12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 1: Tuan Fong Kui Lun [ Bukit Bintang ] to ask the MINISTER OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS to state the rationale of establishing the National Economy Action Council (NEAC) whereas previously the Government has established the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) which led to the formation of the current Cabinet.
Серьёзный вопрос министру - обосновать необходимость создания Совета по экономической деятельности при том, что, как считает парламентарий, эту роль выполняет Совет старейшин. По сути вопрос заключается в том, кому, на каких основаниях и в каком объёме министр намерен передать полномочия по выработке решений об экономическом курсе страны.

Ответ 1 (копируем малайский и вставляем в гугл):
(1) вводная часть - перечень тех парламентариев, кто ставил вопрос ранее.
(2) The Government has decided to set up EAC on February 11, 2019 based on the current situation and in response to the urgent problems involving the socio-economic interests of the people. EAC will examine and make decisions on the affairs of the people's economy, finances and welfare.
(3) The EAC also serves to gain input, advice and support from all groups of stakeholders including experts from various fields outside the Government. The combination of inputs and views of the private and government will enable a holistic solution, thereby providing optimal benefits to the people.
(4) The main objective of the EAC is to spur and stimulate sustainable economic growth, equitable distribution of wealth and thereby enhance the well-being of the people. EAC will also focus on critical issues such as reducing the cost of living, creating job opportunities, eradicating poverty and raising home ownership. EAC is action-oriented body in resolving the issues.
(5) To achieve this, EAC's membership comprising administrative, private and academic representatives will be able to incorporate views and input into planning strategies to spur and stimulate the nation's economic growth. In addition, the views of both the public and private sectors will help the Government in drafting a comprehensive strategy plan to address the current issues faced by the people.
(6) Membership of the EAC also takes into account the Government's policy to ensure development across the region. EAC also comprises members of the Cabinet from Sabah and Sarawak and the Orang Asli.
(7) In order to ensure EAC is functioning effectively and effectively, YAB Prime Minister has agreed to the Ministry of Economic Affairs to assume responsibility as the secretariat of this Council. Subject to the consent of YAB Prime Minister, the Ministry will propose an executive committee responsible for analyzing the socio-economic issues and submitting a solution to the EAC and facilitating the stakeholders. Assisting the executive committee, several working groups will be formed on the identified.
(8) I also want to take the opportunity to touch on the question raised by the Honorable Minister whether there is any plan to involve the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister in the EAC membership. Currently EAC is comprised of 17 members including YAB Prime Minister as chairman and other members comprising several YB Federal Ministers, economic figures, academic leaders. However, а Chief Minister or Deputy Chief Minister will be invited to attend the EAC Meeting on a need basis from time to time based on the issues and matters presented or discussed during the meeting.
(9) On issues raised by Honorable Bukit Bintang, the Honorable Parit and Honorable of Ketereh, the function of the Government Advisory Council or with the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) permits established on May 12, 2018 is different from the EAC. The main function of the CEP is to advise the Prime Minister on the economic, financial and other areas to be given attention within the power transitions. The role of CEP is only in the capacity of advisors or advisory without any executive power.
(10) As mandated, CEP has submitted a report to YAB Prime Minister on August 19, 2018 for Government consideration. The CEP has played a very effective role in examining and submitting proposals to reposition the country's economy on the right ground.

Заодно мы можем открыть стенографические материалы прений Hansard за 12 марта и увидеть диалог министра с парламентариями по этому вопросу "вживую" (с 19-й по 23-ю страницу документа стенографических материалов. Очень удобно смотреть стенографию - она разбита по номерам вопросов).

Кстати, замечу, что этот момент был отражён в новостной ленте Делового совета по сотрудничеству с Малайзией https://rmcouncil.com/news/list/business/1022.html от "01 февраля 2019г". После первого декабря и вплоть до вчерашнего дня (12 марта) новости Делового совета отсутствовали в течение свыше трёх месяцев. 12 марта появилось сразу восемь новых материалов https://rmcouncil.com/news/list/ , датированных задним числом.
Хотелось бы, чтобы обновления в новостной ленте Делового совета проходили более оперативно.

Вопрос 70: Dato' Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi [ Bagan Datuk ] to ask the MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY to state to what extent the trade war between China and the United States affects Malaysia's import and export performance throughout 2018.
Ответ 70 (копируем малайский и вставляем в гугл):
Malaysian Trade Performance 2018
1. Malaysia's trade in 2018 remained sustained, growing by 5.9% to RM1.876 trillion, compared to RM1.771 trillion in 2017, supported by stronger export growth than expected. Despite the uncertain global economic environment, exports grew 6.7% to reach RM998.01 billion, surpassing the projected growth of 4.4% in the Economic Report 2018/2019 issued by the Ministry of Finance Malaysia. Imports rose 4.9% to RM877.74 billion. (и далее по тексту, ответ большой)

Вопрос 11: Datuk Haji Hasanuddin bin Mohd Yunus [ Hulu Langat ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state the Government's effort to address the issue of permanent resident status application by foreigners who are married to Malaysians.
Каковы действия правительства по предоставлению вида на жительство иностранцам, состоящим в брачных отношениях с малазийцами.
Ответ 11 - очень редкий случай - отсутствует. Но, не будучи сбиты с толку, мы переходим в стенографические материалы прений Hansard за 12 марта и смотрим пункт 11 (на малайском языке), соответствующий этому вопросу.

Итак, каковы прения парламентариев в этой связи?


Deputy Home Minister [Datuk Mohd Azis bin Jamman]: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Thanks to Hulu Langat for the questions given. Mr. Speaker, this question is straight forward, it touches on foreigners. When it comes to foreigners, we agree that those who are categorized as foreigners are those who have documents of their origin. If they are in Malaysia, it means they have entry permissions to this country.

Tuan Yang di-Pertua, for the advice of the Honorable Member, the government has specific guidelines for processing applications for foreigners who are married to Malaysian citizens in accordance with the laws and conditions set forth. However, this application will be reviewed in detail so that it is not misused. Before a person gets a permanent resident status through an application at the National Registration Department, the applicant must obtain an entry permit approval from the Immigration Department of Malaysia. The grant of entry permit to foreigners is in accordance with the provisions under section 10 (1) and (2) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963, which provides for the Immigration Director General to issue an entry permit under the terms and procedures set out.

Permits are included as belonging to the category of persons excluded from the entry restriction under the Immigration (Inbound Entry) Order 1963. However, the entry permits are still subject to the conditions set by the Immigration Department of Malaysia as follows: (i) the applicant must have document of origin (ii) applicants are required to register marriages in Malaysia; (iii) applicants must pass smooth security schemes from PDRM and free from suspicion list or blacklist from the Immigration Department of Malaysia ; and (iv) the applicant needs to go through an interview and an interview session to ensure that the marriage is truly present and orderly.

In addition to the conditions set by the Immigration Department of Malaysia, one of the control and monitoring measures prior to the issuance of entry permits to the applicant is with regard to the provision of resident pass. Mr. Speaker, for the Honorable Members of the House also, there is no ban on Malaysians to marry, even Malaysians can marry in any country of the world, provided that this marriage must be registered at the consulate offices of this establishment married. Thank you.

Datuk Hj Hasanuddin bin Mohd Yunus [Hulu Langat]: A lot of the complaints we find, many among married couples who are foreigners find to register their marriages very difficult and slow. This has resulted in the birth of their children being impressed by not getting the promised status to wives who deserve it. So what is the ministry's action to ensure the easier, orderly, organized trip, without peddling the principles that should exist. Thank you.

Datuk Mohd Azis bin Jamman: Thank you for the additional question. As I mentioned earlier in my answer, the assessment of this application should be examined by the Immigration Department of Malaysia, as we have to bear in mind many issues that are closely related to these foreigners, they need to pass through certain filters. There are things we need to look at in terms of security, which is also an aspect that we should not look lightly. Because as we know, there are also couples out there who misuse this facility, where they use this marriage process as the basis for their stay in our country by the back door. So these are among the things that cause the process-this process becomes slow.

However, to inform the Speaker, the Home Ministry is currently refining matters that involve governance, not only in this entry, but also on citizenship issues. Thank you.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan [Keningau]: There are a number of cases in Sabah, where foreigners get married and have children and then escaped. My question is what the government is doing to resolve this, especially those who have children who need to go to school and so on.

Datuk Mohd Azis bin Jamman: Thanks to the additional questions from the Honorable Keningau. With regard to marriage issues in Sabah, the Honorable was aware and knew that this issue was an issue that was often played by the supporters of the Honorable Member of the State in Sabah, claiming that this Warisan Party gave an identity card to foreigners, PTI. We are accused of being a party wishing to give ICCs to foreigners. So this ...

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan [Keningau]: Answer the question.

Mohd Azis bin Jamman: I will answer, briefly. I will answer. So this issue is the Speaker, in fact what happened, our citizens married to non-citizens but the marriage was not registered. This is the problem. So what happens when it comes to rules, whenever a citizen married to non-citizen and the marriage was not registered, what was the result? As a result, the child born will also be categorized as non-citizen. This is an increasingly diverse category in the state of Sabah, which is why, the Most Honorable Chief Minister of Sabah has proposed to make a whitening program, where we want to identify these people.

If we want to help them - but when it comes to our intentions and motives to help them, we are also accused and beaten as a PTI breeding party. When this is the case, this is the one which stutters our efforts to whiten these people. Because, we know that this is indeed a problem in Sabah. However, if we have no political will to help this group, this problem will not be resolved. Thank you.


Или: открываем перечень вопросов за 13 марта 2019г.
Видим, например,
Вопрос 6. Tuan Ahmad Fadhli bin Shaari [ Pasir Mas ] to ask the MINISTER OF DEFENCE to state the Government's effort to monitor our country's defence space and protect it from provocative attacks from other countries particularly Singapore.
(вопрос от парламентария в адрес министра обороны - в чём заключаются меры правительства по отслеживанию суверенного пространства страны и защите от провокационных атак иных стран, например Сингапура).
Ищем ответ министра, и видим: ответ в составе документа, фиксирующего устные ответы, пока нет, т.к. сам документ ещё не опубликован (на момент полудня 13 марта).

Подчеркну ещё раз: это, действительно, первоисточник. При надлежащим овладении этим инструментом любые промежуточные толкователи не нужны.

Конечно, у многих читателей нет времени отслеживать весь массив материалов. Буду просматривать их сам, и, по возможности, отбирать вопросы-ответы с размещением сообщений в теме. Всё вышеописанное было преамбулой для разъяснения особенностей.

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 14 мар 2019 14:36

Первое заседание второй сессии парламента Малайзии (с 11.03.2019 по 11.04.2019)

Избранные вопросы парламентариев и ответы министров (или их заместителей, полномочных представителей из соответствующего министерства), по дням.

Выбор субъективен, любители всегда могут обратиться к первоисточнику на своё усмотрение.

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 3
PR-1421-L03756 Tuan Noor Amin bin Ahmad [ Kangar ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the steps that have been and will be taken to ensure that divorce cases are not pending in court and adherence in delivering the entitlement to the spouse and child.
(Каковы меры правительства по обеспечению беспрепятственности разводов, предоставлению алиментов женщине и ребёнку (в рамках шариатских судов)).

Ответ 3
For the information of the Honorable Member, the Malaysian Syariah Judiciary Department (JKSM), the State Syariah Judiciary Department (JKSN) and the State Syariah Court (MSN) have taken steps to ensure that the process of divorce cases can be solved effectively. Among the steps that have been taken are:

1. Creation of Syariah Court Practice Instructions on the hearing of the case of the declaration of divorce and divorce on the day of registration and the proceedings in the Syariah Court. The provisions of the Rules are as follows:
1.1) Practice Instructions (Arahan Amalan) No. 8 Year 2011: Hearing Confirmation of Divorce Remarks on Registration Day.
1.2) Practice Instructions (Arahan Amalan) No. 2 Year 2013: Time Counts And Hearings Limit. These Practice Instructions are set as a prescribed case of a case should be made within 21 days after the case is filed and the period of the case settlement is 180 days provided all the requirements of the case are complied with and the proceedings proceed smoothly.

2. Introducing Shari'ah Court Practice Guidelines on divorce guarantees, verification of divorce and redemption of talaq (khulu ') as a guide to judges to deal with cases more effectively. The instructions in the Practice are as follows:
2.1) Practice Instructions (Arahan Amalan) No. 8 Year 2007: Ta'liq Divorce Practice;
2.2) Practice Instructions (Arahan Amalan) No. 10 Year 2007: Verification Without Authorization of Court ; and
2.3) Practice Instructions (Arahan Amalan) No. 17 Year 2007: Practical Practice Guide on Divorce Compensation.

3. In addition, efforts are also made by Syariah Courts in States to expedite the settlement of cases through several innovation programs as follows:
3.1) Fast Track divorce application executed by the Selangor Syariah Judiciary Department. To be implemented to expedite the settlement of divorce cases under Section 47 of the Islamic Family Law (State of Selangor) Enactment 2003 (EUKIS) from ninety (90) days to six (6) working hours;
3.2) Mysolve System implemented by the State Syariah Judiciary Department online for divorce cases under Section 47 and verification of divorce procedure under Section 57 of the Islamic Family Enactment (Perak) 2004. The system solves the divorce case after three (3) days of the case being registered provided that all procedures are complete and with the presence of both parties;
3.3) The E-Shariah Instant Access Procedure implemented by the Penang State Syariah Judiciary which expedites the settlement of cases of joint agreement including divorce cases within one (1) day, starting from preparation until the order is issued by Court.

4. According to the compliance with the granting of rights to the spouse and the child, the steps taken are as follows:
4.1) Family Support Group (BSK) was established in 2008 and officers are stationed in all States to assist that Shariah court enforces and executes maintenance orders;
4.2) E-maintenance system has been established to monitor the execution of an order which has been decided by the Syariah Court;
4.3) Creation of Hadhanah & Maintenance Division (Отделение по выплате алиментов и правам на ребёнка) in Syariah High Court and Nafkah Division (Отделение по выплате алиментов) in Subordinate Shariah Courts (Federal Territories). This proposal was created to focus specifically on hadhanah and maintenance cases in the Federal Territory;
4.4) Back-by-place banking arrangement for husbands / wives defaulting to pay for wives, former wives or children. Currently, discussions with relevant agencies are being held to ensure that the implementation process of the enforcement of the bank sanctions is in line with the legal provisions in force.

Thank you.

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 15 мар 2019 14:52


По каждому ответу, более широко и подробно, имеются парламентские обсуждения (стенографическая запись прений), здесь не изложенные. Их можно прочитать на сайте парламента Малайзии согласно разъяснению выше.

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 16
PR-1421-L03823 Dato' Sri Dr. Haji Ismail bin Haji Abd. Muttalib [ Maran ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state the number of applications for various types of firearms in the past five years and the number of approvals according to race.
(Указать число запросов на получение различных видов огнестрельного оружия, за прошедшие 5 лет, с разбиением по национальной принадлежности владельца).

Ответ 16
Applications for various types of firearm licenses received from 2015 until January 2019 amounted to 17 290 applicants. Of these, 2 606 were approved for the Malays, 675 for the Chinese, 169 for Indians, 147 for Bumiputra Sabah, 15 for Bumiputra Sarawak, 7 for Orang Asli, 16 for the Siamese, 2 for Sikh and 22 for other races.
(Далее в ответе представлена таблица, с 2015 по 2019 гг. включительно, с распределением по количеству выданных разрешений на пистолеты, гладкоствольное оружие, помповые ружья, винтовки, револьверы и проч).

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 28
PR-1421-L04228 Datuk Haji Shabudin bin Yahaya [ Tasek Gelugor ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT to state the Government's efforts to address the issue of foreigners who are doing business illegally or renting/borrowing license from the locals to trade and the actions that have been taken against them.
(Указать меры, принимаемые против иностранцев, занимающихся нелегальным бизнесом или арендующих лицензию для целей торговли).

Ответ 28
1. Regarding inquiry: foreigners are not allowed to carry out small businesses such as retail stores or others using locally-owned licenses.
2. The Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) has issued a Small Business Permit Circular to the Local Authorities on June 30, 2008. Among the matters covered in this circular are the enforcement of small businesses:
(i) Issuance of small business permits only to Malaysian citizens
(ii) The permit holder shall be at the place of business at all times;
(iii) Cancellation of permits can be taken on owners who transfer their business permits to foreigners; and
(iv) Local Authorities may seize goods immediately without prior notice to businesses without licenses.
(Момент важный. Любой иностранец, занимающейся розничной торговлей по лицензии, выданной на малазийца, делает это нелегально и в случае обнаружения товар конфискуется. Видимо, не все иностранцы соблюдают закон, если появляются подобные вопросы, и здесь надо рассчитывать на работу компетентных органов и бдительность активных граждан).

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 30
PR-1421-L03510 Datuk Hajah Azizah binti Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Dun [ Beaufort ] to ask the MINISTER OF WOMEN, FAMILY AND COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT to state :
(a) the statistics of children involved in criminal / accident cases late at night; and
(b) when will the Ministry introduce a curfew on children.
(Предоставить статистику по преступлениям несовершеннолетних и будет ли вводиться комендантский час.

Ответ 30
Currently, the Government does not intend to set a night out ban or curfew for children and teens under 18 years old.
The statistics on children involved with the drugs recorded by the Social Welfare Department show the number of children involved with crime in 2016 is 4886, in 2017 is 5443 and up to November 2018 is 3602.

Of the total number of children involved in crime in 2018 alone, the highest crime of 1152 (31.9%) was drug trafficking, 999 (27.7%) were involved in property stealing and 472 (13.1%) in criminal cases towards personality.

Based on the records of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), mistakes or accidents involving children in the night are numerous in the activities of bicycle rides. Through 2017 to 2018, the statistics of children involved in accident cases while riding a bike are 137 cases. Of these, 48 cases occurred at night and the state with the highest number was Johor with 16 cases followed by Kelantan by 9 cases. Of the total number, 34 involve death, 26 heavy injuries and 132 are mild injuries.

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 37
PR-1421-L04114 Dato' Dr. Mohd Khairuddin bin Aman Razali [ Kuala Nerus ] to ask the MINISTER OF FINANCE to state the factors of the sharp rise in Federal Government debt from RM686.6 billion (2017) to RM741.0 billion (2018).
(Указать причины увеличения госдолга).

Ответ 37
1. Generally, the Federal Government debt level increased because the Government needed to finance the annual budget deficit which was borrowed to cover development expenditure. For 2018, Federal Government official debt increased from RM686.8 billion or 50.7% of GDP in 2017 to RM741 billion or 51.8% of GDP. Of this amount, RM54.2 billion is used to finance the Federal Government's expenditure. This official debt does not include payment of debt by the Federal Government as a guarantor.

2. The government will continue to make new loans every year as the Federal Government's financial situation is deficit. The Federal Government takes a loan to refinance its long-term debt and be able to cover its development expenditure. Federal Government debt can therefore be reduced if the Federal Government's financial position has sufficient surplus for financing and development expenditure. For example, over the period of 1993 - 1997, the Government managed to reduce debt from RM95.9 billion in 1993 to RM89.9 billion in 1997, following the annual fiscal surplus in the financial year.

3. Strong adherence to fiscal discipline and improved debt management continues to ensure that fiscal and macroeconomic positions remain strong and can mitigate any crisis.

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 41
PR-1421-L03776 Tuan Oscar Ling Chai Yew [ Sibu ] to ask the MINISTER OF EDUCATION to state the status of cooperation between Malaysia and China:
(a)the list of China's institutions of higher education which has been recognised since 28 April 2011 and the number of Malaysian students in China and Chinese students in Malaysia from 2000 to 2019; and
(b)the number of Malaysian students on Public Service Department (PSD) sponsorship in China from 2000 to 2019.
(Указать число признанных в Малайзии китайских ВУЗов и количество студентов, как малазийцев в Китае так и китайцев в Малайзии за прошедшие 19 лет).

Ответ 41
(a) Based on statistics given by the Ministry, the number of Chinese nationals studying in Malaysia from 2016 to 2018 is as follows:
1. Year 2018: 15 690 persons (data up to September 30, 2018)
2. Year 2017: 14 854 persons
3. Year 2016: 11 718 persons
Meanwhile, the number of students sponsored by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia from 2014 to 2018 are 351 persons. Delivery of Ministry sponsored students to China is based on service requirements either at school or Public University in Malaysia. Chinese institutions of higher learning are
- Beijing Language and Culture University and
- Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Furthermore, there are 1 243 Institutions of Higher Learning in China listed under the 'Mutual Recognition in Academic Higher Education Qualifications' agreement signed by the Government of Malaysia and China on April 28, 2011.
The list of such academic qualification lists can be retrieved from MQA portal http://www.mqa.gov.my .

(b) To date, no students are sponsored under the Sponsorship program pursuing studies in China by the Public Service Department (PSD).
(Любители могут сравнить с РФ и проч.)

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 48
PR-1421-L03001 Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee [ Beluran ] to ask the MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS to state the outcome of the negotiation that has been agreed between Malaysia and Singapore on the issue of airspace and maritime boundary with regard to the Instrument Landing System (ILS).
(Прояснить вопрос проведения воздушной и водной границы с Сингапуром).

Ответ 48
I would like to thank the Honorable member for the questions. Dear Speaker,

2. For the information of this glorious House, a bilateral meeting between Malaysia and Singapore was held from 7 to 8 January 2019 in Singapore. It was initiated with a preliminary discussion session between the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of both countries on 7 January 2019 which highlighted issues related to maritime boundary and and airspace limits, the creation of the Permanent Restricted Area in Pasir Gudang airspace and the implementation of the Instrument Landing System (ILS) at the Seletar Airport.

3. During discussion I attended private face-to-face meeting with a colleague, Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore on January 8, 2019. As a result of the meeting, both Foreign Ministers agreed that a Working Group could be set up to coordinate the maritime delineation and airspace limits issues.

4. This working group is headed by YBhg. Dato 'Sri Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia and Mr Chee Wee Kiong, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore. It also involves senior officials of the agencies of both countries.

5. For the information of this Honorable House, the Working Group held three meetings on January 28, February 20 and March 6 2019 and conducted discussions to achieve common understanding between the two countries.

6. Thus, a platform was created to discuss maritime issues between the two countries. The proposals made by the Working Group will be forwarded to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the two countries on March 14, 2019.

7. Regarding matters between Malaysia and Singapore risen due to airspace issues relating to the Instrument Landing System (ILS), following the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia and Singapore on 8 January 2019 and the Singaporean consent to suspend the implementation of ILS for a month, the meeting of two technical groups between Malaysia and Singapore was held in Putrajaya on 22 January 2019, and the Minister of Transport in Singapore on January 23, 2019.

8. Thus, both countries have agreed to extend the suspension of the implementation of the ILS until 31 March 2019 to provide space for ongoing bilateral talks between the Malaysian and Singapore civil aviation authorities: the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) and the Singapore Civil Aviation Authority (CAAS ).
CAAM and CAAS have now held four (4) meetings to discuss the proposed Required Navigation Performance (RNP) for Seletar Airport.

9. Honoured Minister of Transport may provide a more detailed explanation of the outcome.

(более подробно ниже в Ответе 77 министра транспорта)

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 64
PR-1421-L03038 Dato' Sri Hasan bin Arifin [ Rompin ] to ask the MINISTER OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS to state the volume and percentage of oil and natural gas resources that have yet to be explored, and to what extent these oil and natural gas resources are able to support the economic development of the country.
(Указать, объём неразработанных месторождений нефти и газа и их роль в будущем).

Ответ 64
1. For the information of Honorable Member, the amount of oil and gas resources found in Malaysia including unfinished field is around 6.7 Billion equivalent barrel (Bboe-Barrels of Oil Equivalent).

2 Oil and gas reserves are as follows:
(i) Peninsular Malaysia has a crude oil and gas reserve of 2.2 Bboe;
(ii) Sarawak has 2.8 Bboe; and
(iii) Sabah has 1.7 Bboe

3. Based on the average annual production rate, oil and gas reserves are maintained for 10 years. It is vital that Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) continue to work and cooperate in seeking new reserves locally and internationally, especially for deepwater.

4. However, this search and exploration involves a very high cost of about 70 to 80 percent of the cost of production due to the complexity and risks to PETRONAS.

5. The findings of the new reserves are expected to extend the country's long-term oil and gas reserves as well as ensure the supply of resources is guaranteed to the nation.
(Данные интересные, не менее интересна позиция PETRONAS).

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 66
PR-1421-L04048 Dato' Dr. Noraini Ahmad [ Parit Sulong ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state to what extent are the functions and roles played by the Government Advisory Council and whether the Government will issue a report on the performance and outcome of this Advisory Council's inquiry to the public.
(Обозначить роль "Совета старейшин" и предоставить данные по результатам их работы).

Ответ 66
1. As the Honorable Member is aware, the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) has been announced on 12 May 2018 and they have completed its work on 19 August 2018. The main objective of the Council is to advise the Government in the field economic, financial and other areas that need to be addressed according to the circumstances from time to time.

2. The Government has received recommendation of the proposed improvement by the CEP. However, as has been previously mentioned in this noble hall, whether their views are accepted or not subject to the consideration of the Cabinet or Parliament. The CEP only serves as advisory body that does not have the power or provision under the Constitution or the laws of the State. This means that the Government is in no way bound to accept proposals submitted by the CEP.

3. Given that the submitted reports are still under consideration by the Government, disclosing the report to the public will be decided only after review. What is more important is that the Government will always be sensitive and attentive towards all matters provided in the report.
(Как видно, "Совет старейшин" выполнил свою роль, т.е. непредвзятую оценку состояния по секторам. После этого он был распущен, результаты его работы пока не раскрываются. Заменён Советом по экономической деятельности (Economy Action Council / EAC) 11 февраля 2019г. с более широкими полномочиями).

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 72
PR-1421-L04007 Tuan Haji Ahmad Amzad bin Mohamed @ Hashim [ Kuala Terengganu ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the strategy to ensure the competitiveness of the third national car in the domestic and ASEAN markets.
(Рассказать о разработке "третьего национального автомобиля" (имеется в виду проект после Протона и Перодуа)).

Ответ 72
For the Honorable inquiry, the world is now witnessing the rapid development of technology in line with the fourth industry revolution. Similarly, today's cars / trains are quite loaded with new technology to facilitate driving and make driving safer. New national car projects have quite different approaches to existing national car manufacturers such as Proton and Perodua as they will combine several local technology companies and suppliers to produce a vehicle.

Earlier, car manufacturers competed to produce the most beautiful and attractive cars. But now and in the future, car manufacturers are competing to introduce the latest and more advanced technology. This is one of the few changes that will occur globally which will have a huge impact on the automotive industry. In addition, the fast-growing cars in the developed markets implement mobility platform with battery technology, sensor and border-breaking communications. Meanwhile, the younger generation has different attitudes towards mobility, ownership of cars and brands. These and other factors interfere with the traditional value chain of the automotive sector.

Therefore, new national car projects provide opportunities for Malaysian-based companies to take part and position themselves in the forefront of this change. Hence, these are among the strategies to ensure competitiveness for new national car projects for local and regional markets and even to penetrate the global market.

(Отметим для начала просто факт постановки таких вопросов и целей).

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 76
PR-1421-L03385 Datuk Zakaria bin Mohd. Edris @ Tubau [ Libaran ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the number of meetings held by the steering committee which was established in 2018 to revise the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), and the updates on the Federal Government's efforts towards returning the rights of Sarawak and Sabah in Malaysia, considering that the period given is only six months for the committee to submit the report to the Government.
(Обозначить прогресс в пересмотре соглашения "О Малайзии" 1963г. (федерализация Сабаха и Саравака, благодаря чему мелкие партии из этих областей сотрудничают с правящей коалицией "Союз надежды")).

Ответ 76
For the information of Honorable Member, the Special Cabinet Committee to review the implementation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 was established to make recommendations to the Government on the exercise of the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak in accordance with the provisions contained in the Federal Constitution, Malaysia Agreement 1963 ( Malaysia Agreement 1963) and the matters contained in "Chapter 3, Annexes A and B of the Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee, 1962".

The Steering Committee meeting chaired by YAB Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was held twice on 17 December 2018 and 5 March 2019. The Special Cabinet Committee will take 6 months from the date of the first Steering Committee Meeting to submit a detailed report to the Government for implementation.

In relation to the recent development of the Federal Government's efforts towards Sarawak and Sabah rights, the Technical Committee Meeting co-chaired by me and the Attorney-General, YBhg. Mr Tommy Thomas was held twice on 14 January 2019 and 18 February 2019. As an outcome of the meeting, Working Committees were set up to examine issues related to the implementation of the 1963 Malaysia Agreement based on terms of reference and scope of work. Among the Working Committees are:
a) Financial cluster - deployed by the Ministry of Finance
b) Economic Cluster - deployed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs
c) Social Cluster (Works) - deployed by the Ministry of Works
d) Public Service Cluster - deployed by the Public Service Department and
e) Social Cluster (Human Resources) - deployed by the Ministry of Human Resources.

All these Committees have appointed their members and initiated their respective discussions on identified research issues. For YB's information, on 6 March 2019 the Cabinet has agreed that Sabah and Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia be jointly considered as partners and follow-up from that decision, amendment to the constitution on Article 1 (2) of the Federal Constitution will be implemented.

(В Кабинете принято принципиальное решение о равенстве Сабаха, Саравак и полуостровной части страны. Предполагается оформить это решение через введение поправки в федеральную Конституцию. Согласование "на земле" проводится по пяти направлениям. Т.о., правящая коалиция подтверждает свой курс на федерализацию, однако не забудем, что статус закона это может принять лишь после конституционной поправки, для чего коалиции необходимо большинство в две трети голосов из числа членов нижней палаты).

12 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 77
PR-1421-L03883 Dato' Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein [ Sembrong ] to ask the MINISTER OF TRANSPORT to state the development of Malaysia - Singapore airspace conflict issue that has been discussed with representatives of the Singapore Government following the implementation of the Instrument Landing System (ILS) procedure for Seletar Airport which was claimed to be biased as it was issued without consent from Malaysia which resulted in the encroachment of the sovereignty of southern Johor airspace.
(б.министр обороны задаёт вопрос о нарушении суверенитета воздушного пространства юж.Джохора со стороны Сингапура, после оборудования сингапурского аэропорта Селетар системой посадки ILS без согласования с Малайзией).

Ответ 77
1. On 1 December 2018, the Singapore Civil Aviation Authority (CAAS) released a new Instrument Landing System (ILS) procedure for Singapore Seletar Airport in Singapore Aeronautical Information Publication (SAIP) which took effect from January 3, 2019, without consent from Malaysia.

2. On 5 December 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KLN) submitted Protest Notes to Singapore through the Singapore High Commissioner to Malaysia. Singapore was urged to withdraw the new ILS arrangement for Singapore Seletar Airport from Singapore Aeronautical Information Publication (SAIP).

3. On December 12, 2018, the Ministry of Transport has issued media statement which among others affirms that the Malaysian Civil Aviation Authority (CAAM) has never agreed or granted approval to CAAS for the publication of the procedure. In addition, Malaysia also proposed that Singapore create ILS alternatives for the Land Area 03 at the southern part of Seletar Airport, without having to go through the Pasir Gudang airspace, Johor.

4. On 25 December 2018, the Ministry of Transport through the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) has published the Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) to ensure permanent restricted area better known as Pasir Gudang airspace, Johor between 2000 and 5000 feet, effective from January 2, 2019.

5. The NOTAM filing is in accordance with Article 9 (a) of the Convention of International Civil Aviation 1944 (Chicago Convention) which authorizes a country to declare a “restricted area” or a "prohibited area" in its sovereign airspace for reasons of military or security requirements. It is also in line with the powers appropriated to the Chief Executive Officer, CAAM under section 24 (o) of the Civil Aviation Act 1969 to publish NOTAM.

6. The declaration of “restricted area” is to enable active military deployment in the area. At the same time, the declaration can also prevent the possibility of any state air defense invasion.

7. The creation of “restricted area” will not affect the flight operations of the aircraft using the existing visual approach arrangements for the landing via the 21st Lane in the north of Seletar Airport, Singapore.

8. Based on the ILS enforcement date at Seletar Airport on 3 January 2019, Malaysia established “restricted area” through publishing NOTAM by taking into account at least 7 international standards for “restricted area” implementation beginning on January 2, 2019.

9. After negotiations between YB Foreign Minister of Malaysia and Singapore Foreign Minister on January 8, 2019, both ILS and “restricted area” procedures were suspended immediately for a month so that the best solution can be achieved by both parties.

10. At the meeting with Minister of Transport on January 23, 2019, Malaysia and Singapore have agreed to extend the suspension of the implementation of the ILS and “restricted area” until 31 March 2019 to provide space for ongoing bilateral talks between the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) and the Civil Aviation Authority Singapore (CAAS). So far, CAAM and CAAS have held four (4) meetings for alternative landing requirements as well as Required Navigation Performance (RNP) for Seletar Airport.

11. Furthermore, Ministers of Transport of Malaysia and Singapore have also agreed to establish a working group to discuss Malaysia's takeover action delegated to Singapore as based on Operational Letter of Agreement between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore Area Control Centres Concerning Singapore Arrivals, Departures and Overflights (OLOA 1974). Terms of reference for this committee are being consulted by both parties.

12. Referring to Malaysia airspace in southern Johor, first time since 1974 a group was delegated to Singapore for the purpose of providing air traffic control services. On 29 November 2018, 22 and 23 January 2019 the Government of Malaysia also notified Singapore of Malaysia's plans for taking back its sovereign airspace gradually, the first stage is expected around the end of 2019 and the next stage in 2023.

13. The plan to take back the airspace of Malaysia in southern Johor needs to be done in stages in order to coordinate the air traffic control service arrangements between the air navigation service providers in both countries to ensure the safe, efficient and orderly flight of the aircraft.

14. The Government of Malaysia is always committed to ensuring the sovereignty and protection of national interests. Issues involving the strategic importance of national airspace management will continue be taken into account.

(продолжим наблюдать за темой территориальных споров с Сингапуром. Тем более, что в н.вр. в среде малазийцев возникают вопросы о Соглашении Раффлза, согласно которому 06 февраля 1819г. территория нынешнего Сингапура была сдана султаном Джохора в аренду Ост-Индской компании сроком на 200 лет. Это вопрос взаимопонимания, политической воли и, не в последнюю очередь, баланса вооружённых сил).

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 15 мар 2019 20:30

Избранные вопросы и ответы за один день заседания парламента. По каждому ответу, более широко и подробно, имеются парламентские обсуждения (стенографическая запись прений), здесь не изложенные. Их можно прочитать на сайте парламента Малайзии согласно разъяснению выше.

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 6
PR-1421-L03927 Tuan Ahmad Fadhli bin Shaari [ Pasir Mas ] to ask the MINISTER OF DEFENCE to state the Government's effort to monitor our country's defence space and protect it fromprovocative attacks from other countries particularly Singapore.
(В продолжение вопросов в адрес министра иностр.дел и министра транспорта, о ситуации территориального разграничения с Сингапуром).

Ответ 6
The National Air Defense System is always alert and ready for any possible invasion and air threat in safeguarding the sovereignty and security of the country's airspace. The Command & Control System in the National Air Defense System (Sistem Pertahanan Udara Negara / SPUN) is constantly manned and the fighter aircraft are always on-demand. The National Air Defense System is also equipped with several Operational Plans in carrying out airspace surveillance, airspace monitoring and enforcement action.

Several specialized Operational Plans have been designed and implemented to protect the sovereignty of country airspace. Monitoring is conducted on an ongoing basis and all information is recorded and collected. In the event of an aircraft accidentally invading the country's airspace, the help of fighter aircraft will be taken if necessary for the purpose of aircraft identification, monitoring the tracking of the aircraft as show of presence and actions. The intrusion report will also be forwarded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KLN) for a Diplomatic Objection action on the country concerned.

(Подтвердил техническую готовность противодействия. Подчеркнул пассивность действий (демонстрация присутствия), об атаке на силы Сингапура речь не идёт).

(Здесь для полноты картины, после ответа заместителя министра (Liew Chin Tong), дополним последующим обсуждением (стенографическая запись)):

Tuan Ahmad Fadhli bin Shaari [Pasir Mas]:
Thank you Yang Berhormat Deputy Minister, I would like to ask based on the answer. We know that the surface to air defense system plays an important role in maintaining national sovereignty. So we know that the government has purchased STARStreak LMLNG from the UK a few years ago. What is the readiness of the weapons? What is the progress of Malaysian Government talk with Singapore when they launched the instrument landing system (ILS) effective January last year which caused the intrusion to happen?

Tuan Liew Chin Tong:
Indeed, all assets are used to safeguard airspace as well as to safeguard the sovereignty of our country. I am not in any specific tactics but the issue of ILS is actually under the Ministry of Transport. As for the delegated air space or the airspace entrusted to Singapore, it is one of the RMAF (Air Force) policies that the space is entrusted to Malaysia in the future. This has been worked out by Ministry of Transport. Thank you.

Puan NurulIzzah binti Anwar [Permatang Pauh]:
Thank you Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the Honorable Deputy Minister. We talk about preparedness and we know Singapore for example has produced plan - 2030 to prepare themselves. While I am referring to Malaysia, there is a Defense White Paper (Kertas Putih Pertahanan Awam) questionnaire to get feedback from concerned parties. What are the latest developments? Is Malaysia really under the ministry consideration to provide a plan that is commensurate or comparable to Singaporeans?

Tuan Liew Chin Tong:
The Defense White Paper will be tabled in parliament in the third meeting this year. This is an opportunity for the government as well as for Malaysians so that everyone can give an insight into the direction of our country's defense. In order to make this White Paper we also need a financial plan, we need a plan of readiness, and also military strategy. All of this will be additional components to Defense White Paper. I hope Members of Parliament can give insight and engage in discussions on the matter. Thank you.

(замминистра подчеркнул, что вообще сам вопрос системы ILS находится в ведении министерства транспорта. При этом Сингапур в н.вр. пользуется "делегированным воздушным пространством", которое в будущем будет "передано в ведение Малайзии". Белая книга, разъясняющая позицию Малайзии в сфере обороны, будет представлена на третьем заседании, т.е. осенью 2019г).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 10
PR-1421-L03339 Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili [ Kota Marudu ] to ask the MINISTER OF WORKS to state the current status of the Pan Borneo project in Sabah. Which phase of the project was suspended and how much has been spent from the original budget for Sabah.
(Министру инфраструктуры (а не "министру работ", как с завидным упорством пишут на некоторых русскоязычных площадках) - обозначить статус постройки шоссе пан-Борнео. Объёмы невыполненных работ, потраченные средства).

Ответ 10
First of all, allow me to answer this question together with inquiry from Ranau Member of Parliament which is scheduled for the next day, 14Mac 2019 as it touches on the same issue regarding the status of the Sabah State Highway Pan Borneo project.

For the information of this Honorable Hall, the implementation of the Sabah Panborneo Highway Phase 1 project was divided into 35 packages of works with a total distance of 706 km. To date, 12 workplaces have been made with the appointment of contractors for work-related purposes. However, there is an approach of “work package contractor”, because the Tawau route to Semporna has been terminated due to unfavorable contractor's performance. Until the end of February 2019, the overall status of construction of the Sabah Pan Borneo Port construction project was 12.4% with the cost spent amounting to RM 609 million.

To answer the question from Ranau Member of Parliament, the work package of PanBorneo Highway Sabah pertaining to Ranau part which is from Ranau to Kampung Nabutan, its a “work package 35” (WP35) with an estimated 31km distance. To date, this work package has not been tendered since design is still under discussion with consultant.

In connection with the issue of the implementation of the Pan Borneo Highway project of Sabah, for the information of this Honorable Hall, the Federal Government together with the State Government is currently researching the implementation mechanism of the project as a whole. Thus, the determination on the project development will be tabled to the Cabinet at the end of this March for Central Government consideration.

(для справки: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Borneo_Highway . Построено чуть более 12% от первоначальных планов 2015г. с предполагаемым завершением к 2023-2025гг).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 15
Tuan Mordi Bimol [ Mas Gading ] to ask the MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES to state the steps taken by the Government to reduce the dependency on foreign workers and in what way the Government can ensure that the recruitment of foreign workers does not affect the employment opportunities for locals.
(Обозначить меры по снижению зависимости от иностранной рабочей силы, незатрагиванию интересов малазийцев при найме иностранцев).

Ответ 15: запись отсутствует.

Переходим в стенографическую запись обсуждений вопроса 15. Ответ (замминистра людских ресурсов) расположен там.

Dato’ Mahfuz bin Haji Omar:
Thank you. Government policies on recruitment of foreign workers in Malaysia envisage their presence of not more than 15 per cent of the total national labour pool in 2020. Presence of foreign workers is limited to seven sectors namely construction, agriculture, plantation, manufacturing, mining and quarrying services as well as domestic services. We are also targeting a share of 35 per cent skilled workers by 2020. Therefore we encourage all labor-intensive sectors to shift to the use of mechanization and automation.

We also emphasize that the need of the industry really requires foreign workers to be approved. The requirements on foreign workers applications are very tight and are constantly tightened furthermore to ensure the hiring ratio based on the composition of local and foreign workers.

With regards to the placement of local workers in our country, JobsMalaysia always play an important role. For the knowledge of the House, throughout 2018, we were targeting the Ministry's KPI to entertain 172 000 local workers. And we have reached 168 677 people. That means our KPI is 98.1 percent.

This is what we hope will ensure that the locals can be given more opportunities. Thank you.

Tuan Mordi Anak Bimol [Mas Gading]:
Thank you, Honorable Minister. There have been numerous programs and efforts undertaken by the government aimed at improving the quality and skills of locals to meet the needs of existing industries or companies today. Because of what we see private colleges or private training centres that provide such training services grow as mushrooms and even are subsidized by the government, but their objective seems to be more of a business opportunity that is soliciting and less solving existing problems. So what is the plan of the ministry to solve it?

Dato’ Mahfuz bin Haji Omar:
Thank you. We always encourage and we will make sure that these private colleges will provide something that really meets the needs of the industry itself and we always determine with the industry-specific requirements that the accredited centres or these college meet what the industry needs.

(как видим, революционные изменения вроде "отменить визы для иностранцев с заработной платой менее 10 тыс.рингит"
https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/categ ... 00-salary/ на данный момент не озвучиваются).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 39
PR-1421-L03531 Tuan Chan Foong Hin [ Kota Kinabalu ] to ask the MINISTER OF ENERGY, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY,ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE to state the current status of the returning of the right to ownership of Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) from the Federal Government to the State Government of Sabah, and the constraints faced to complete the process promptly.
(о статусе передачи госкомпании по распределению электроэнергии Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd из ведения федерального в ведение властей Сабаха. Отметим факт наличия таких вопросов).

Ответ 39
For the Honorable Member,
1. On 19 December 2018 the Federal Government has agreed in principle to hand over Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. (SESB) to the State Government of Sabah.
2. In this connection, the State Government also has expressed its principle of consent in respect of the submission and the execution of the due diligence before the acquisition process can be executed. The Sabah State Government also informed that negotiations on the restructuring and transfer of SESB to the Sabah State Government will only commence after the due diligence.

(То есть речь идёт о процессе передачи энергосети под контроль Сабаха, что является частью курса на федерализацию).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 42
PR-1421-L03886 Dato' Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein [ Sembrong ] to ask the MINISTER OF DEFENCE to state the Ministry's follow-up on the security issues at the Sarawak-West Kalimantan border after the reported incidents of Malaysians being kidnapped for ransom that involved the Indonesian National Armed Forces, which happened recently in Serian, Sarawak.
(б.министр обороны интересуется у текущего министра обороны о безопасности границы Саравак-зап.Калимантан в свете похищений малазийцев с "участием ВС Индонезии").

Ответ 42
This case of extortion involves four (4) Malaysian citizens detained by the Indonesian Army (TNI-AD) Army on 11 December 2018. They were taken to post Enteli which is TNI-AD Post located about 5 km from the scene because they were accused of taking forest produce in Indonesia.
Following the information received, the Malaysian Army (TDM) and the TNI-AD have conducted a joint survey on the location of the December 2018 incident and confirmed the incident. After the survey, the Head of Enteli Post returned four (4) Malaysian citizens to the Malaysian authorities.

During arrest, the victims were beaten up and forced to “question” the results of “Indonesian independence”. One of the victims was instructed to inform all families of the victims to provide RM10 000 as a ransom. Headquarters 3 Brigade Staff, Government Officers 10 Royal Ranger Regiment (RRD) and Indonesian Liason Officer (ILO) Kuching were present at the scene on 14 December 2018 for confirmation of the place of detention where seized vehicle was recovered.

A consultation was held on 16 December 2018 involving formation 3 Brigade from Malaysia and formation Koror 121 / Alambhana from Indonesia. The TNI-AD has submitted an apology and will take decisive action on the members involved. The TNI-AD also requested that this matter not be extended to the top. However, the PDRM Branch Khas (Special Branch, Royal Malaysian Police) felt this incident as outrageous amounting to crime. PDRM recommends a Statement of Objection made to the Government of Indonesia.

Following the talks, a follow-up meeting was held by the Sarawak Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KLN) along with ATMs, PDRM, Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) and TNI-AD on 19 December 2018. The KLN Sarawak agreed to send the report to the Foreign Ministry so this case be resolved through the border agency.

(ситуация требует деталей, но, несомненно, Малайзия надлежащим образом защищает своих граждан).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 45
PR-1421-L04097 Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Gapari Kitingan [ Keningau ] to ask the MINISTER OF DEFENCE to state given the excellent performance of the Border Scouts Sabah and Sarawak Rangers in the past and serious security problems in Sabah, whether the Government intends to re-activate the Border Scouts Sabah and Sarawak Rangers to help the Federal Government to safeguard the security of Sabah and Sarawak.
(в адрес министра обороны - есть ли необходимость в возобновлении института "скаутов" и "рейнджеров" в Сабахе и Сараваке дополнительно к существующим федеральным силам).

Ответ 45:
The Defense Ministry has taken seriously the issue of national security especially in Sabah and Sarawak. At present, the Malaysian Armed Forces have taken strategic positions in defending the country sovereignty. Existing teams are able to perform security safeguards. So far, the government does not plan to reactivate Sabah Border Scouts and Sarawak Rangers.

The Malaysian Armed Forces (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia / ATM) have also strengthened defense in the state of Sabah and Sarawak by restructuring the Army Eastern Zone covering one Infantry Division and two Infantry Brigades in Sabah and Sarawak. In addition, the ATM also mobilizes appropriate assets to assist security control in the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZONE) under the control of the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM). For information, ESSCOM is under the Ministry of Internal Affairs (KDN) but the Ministry of Defense and ATM are always giving full cooperation to the Home Ministry and the Sabah government to ensure that the security in the area is always maintained.

(Федеральные власти не видят необходимости в наличии нефедеральных формирований "скаутов" и "рейнджеров" на границах Сабаха и Саравака.
Для понимания, что такое ESSZONE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_S ... urity_Zone и ESSCOM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_S ... ty_Command . С марта 2013г. - зона повышенной безопасности под контролем МВД, что понятно - статус конфликтности достаточно низок, чтобы не передавать контроль внутренней безопасности на столь широкой малазийской территории военным).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 58
PR-1421-L03563 Tuan Lim Lip Eng [ Kepong ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state whether the Government will file a lawsuit or take other legal action in the United States against Goldman Sachs investment bank and other parties to recover the losses suffered through a transaction with 1Malaysia Development Berhad.
(Намерено ли правительство подать в суд на банк Goldman Sachs для возврата утерянных сумм ввиду транзакций через фонд 1MDB).

Ответ 58
1.The State Court has filed a criminal charge against subsidiary of Goldman Sachs in Malaysia, two former US Bank employees, Tim Leissner and NgChong Hwa, former employees of 1Malaysia Development Berhad, Jasmine Loo and businessman Low Taek Jho for offenses under the Capital Markets Act and Services 2007 [Act 671].

2. Ng Chong Hwa was charged at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 19 December 2018 in the case of WA-62SC-10-12 / 2018 and WA-62SC-11-12 / 2018.

3. The case was issued by the Magistrate Court of Kuala Lumpur to Goldman Sachs International, Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC and Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte. on December 17, 2018 respectively in case WA-85-12-12 / 2018, WA-85-13-12 / 2018 and WA-85-14-12 / 2018 respectively. The next date of consideration is March 18, 2019.

4. With regards to Low Taek Jho, Loo Ai Swan and Tim Leissner, warrant arrest has been issued by Kuala Lumpur Magistrate Court on 17 December 2018 respectively, number WA-89-1136-12 / 2018, WA-89-1137-12 / 2018 and WA-89-1138-12 / 2018.

5. Therefore, the Government does not intend to file a lawsuit or any legal action in the United States either against Goldman Sachs investment bank or other parties involved to recover the losses suffered through a transaction with 1Malaysia Development Berhad for wanting to focus on the trial of the criminal case.

(Уголовное преследование распространяется на индивидуальные лица, но действий к банковскому институту не предпринимается. Будет ли это эффективным? Это станет видно с течением времени, однако отсутствие мер по вступлению в судебную тяжбу с банком - как было сформулировано в вопросе парламентария - является маркером).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 59
PR-1421-L03950 Tuan Nik Mohamad Abduh bin Nik Abdul Aziz [ Bachok ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state the statistics of accidents caused by drivers operating motor vehicles under the influence of alcohol.
(Указать количество аварий на дорогах по причине алкогольного опьянения).

Ответ 59:
The accidents involving drunk drivers are investigated by PDRM under Section 44 of the Road Transport Act 1987. PDRM applies to Hospital to take blood samples for analysis to determine the amount of alcohol content. Traffic accident statistics involving driving under influence of alcohol for 2017 and 2018 are 67 cases where traffic investigation papers have been opened. However, of this total, only 37 traffic investigation papers were charged.

(За 2017-2018гг. 67 случаев, из них вынесены обвинения по 37 случаям).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 60
PR-1421-L04051 Dato' Dr. Noraini Ahmad [ Parit Sulong ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the model specification and technology specialization applied in the National Car 3.0 project, of which the Government is going to implement. With such specification, whether the National Car 3.0 is capable of giving a long-term positive impact on the natural environment and the use of petrol.
(Обозначить подход к конструкции "нового национального автомобиля 3.0)

Ответ 60
New national car projects will focus on future vehicles such as autonomous driving and will use electric or hybrid engines. The new national car will also be based on the technology of the fourth revolutionary industry or its own drive and is expected to start in the market for another two years. The transformation of electric cars or hybrids is regarded as a future car as it can effectively save fuel and at the same time it only produces low-level toxic fumes. Because of this advantage, the popularity of hybrid cars is growing every day. Many people now consider whether to convert their conventional cars and buy a hybrid car to help in reducing the cost of fuel consumption.

Environmentally friendly vehicles are a necessity in the future as conventional vehicles using hydrocarbon fuels bring about large scale environmental pollution caused by the large number of vehicles on the road. Consumer awareness of such vehicles in developed countries such as the United States, Europe and Japan increased as demand for vehicles grew larger. In China, this is due to the chronic environmental pollution caused by rapid development.

(Предполагается создание национального гибридного автомобиля с электродвигателем через два года).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 63
PR-1421-L03675 Dato' Seri Dr. Shahidan bin Kassim [ Arau ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state whether it is true that Beting Patinggi Ali is located at a distance of 83 nautical miles from the coast of Sarawak, but the Malaysian border in the Exclusive Economic Zone is 200 nautical miles from the Malaysian coast. The distance of Beting Patinggi Ali from China is 4000 nautical miles. If so, a sovereign New Malaysia is not supposed to be oppressed by a foreign country, please explain.
(Речь идёт о банке Южная Лукония https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luconia_Shoals в Южно-китайском море, на которую претендует Китай при том, что отстоит от Малайзии она на 83 морские мили, а экономическая морская зона составляет 200 миль. Задающий вопрос парламентарий в предыдущем правительстве нёс ответственность за морские границы Сабаха в пределах полномочий ESSCOM в структуре МВД).

Ответ 63
1. The National Security Council in Prime Minister's Department wishes to inform that the distance between Patinggi Ali (BPA) is about 90 nautical miles or 166.7 km from the coast of Miri, Sarawak.

2. In essence, the Government of Malaysia is confident that in the issue related to the South China Sea, any dispute should be settled through discussions, dialogues and negotiations with the claiming states involved.

3. Since most countries claim to be members of which have signed and ratified UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), then any dispute in the South China Sea with any party shall be bound by this international law.

4. The Government of Malaysia shall always defend the national security and sovereignty from external threats and if disputes can not be settled by way of Article 2, Malaysia may take action to bring the matter to a third party such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) or any Arbitration Tribunal if necessary.

(Малайзия намерена решать возникающие споры в рамках Конвенции ООН или, при необходимости, Международного суда и проч. Хотя, в таких спорах нелишне полагаться и на истину - а истина состоит в том, что банка Южная Лукония находится в пределах морской экономической зоны Малайзии. Истину можно и нужно отстаивать доступными способами, не противоречащими Конституции страны).

13 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 71
PR-1421-L03203 Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob [ Bera ] to ask the MINISTER OF EDUCATION to state the Ministry's monitoring measures to tackle cases of false academic certificates in the country including fake diploma, degree and other qualifications that are used by irresponsible people to get employment and so far how many have been identified.
(Каковы меры по отслеживанию ложных сертификатов, дипломов, степеней и проч., сколько выявлено нарушителей по н.вр.)

Ответ 71
The Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) takes a serious view of the use of counterfeit academic qualifications, especially by a few parties for certain interests. In the context of private higher education management, the Ministry is constantly conducting monitoring and enforcement on Private Higher Education Institutions (Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta / IPTS) to ensure that IPTS are in compliance with regulations under Act 555 (Act IPTS 1996).

In order to curb the spread of counterfeit academic accreditation cases, the Ministry has taken various initiatives covering monitoring and prevention measures and punitive measures in the event of IPTS involvement:

(a) in collaboration with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to restrict access to websites suspected of offering or selling fake academic qualification certificates online. Foreign Ministry assistance is also requested by the Ministry of Education to hand over diplomatic notes to other countries informing the authorities that there is a server host offering a fake online academic sales service;

(b) share investigative and intelligence information with other enforcement agencies such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) in particular for cases of false academic qualification bids conducted by certain syndicates that harm losses to any party ;

(c) provide information to the public to raise awareness and be vigilant by checking the status of approved program of study through the Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA) and the Ministry of Education if it involves institutions in the country and overseas institutions; and

(d) encourage and recommend Higher Education Institutions (Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi / IPT) adopt the latest technology and safety features to preserve the authenticity and validity of the information presented by certificates, diplomas and degrees. There are IPTs in the country that have developed a streamlined and user-friendly academic record check mechanism for users such as the use of QR Code on certificates. With this, the review process becomes easier and accurate and reliable information can be presented to the user. For example, the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) is the first institution of higher learning to use the University's Production and Verification System or 'e-Scroll' using Blockchain technology.

Verification process can be made worldwide quickly by scanning quick response codes or QR codes printed on the degree. The e-Scrolling system is also available at University of Malaya (UM) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Using this system, stakeholders such as employers can make a review to determine the validity and authenticity of the certificate.

For the information, KPM has developed a database system for the recipient of the Honorary Degree and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) at the Ministry. This database involves graduates from IPTA and IPTS who graduated in Malaysia only. The system is constantly updated from time to time. For the next phase, the ministry intends to extend its use to include academic qualification holders of certificate, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in public and private higher education institutions and Malaysian citizens with a Ph.D from overseas institutions. Name checks can be done by visiting the link:
https://dohe.moe.gov.my/award/ .

The integrity and professionalism aspects of academic instructors at the Private Higher Educational Institutions (Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta / IPTS) regulated by the ministry are always to be at the standard level and not to use false academic qualifications for teaching purposes. Section 51 of Act 555 provides that the teaching staff of IPTS must obtain a teaching permit issued by the Registrar General before being allowed to teach at any IPTS. In addition Section 77 of Act 555 states that an institution which conducts any training courses or training programs for which the certificate, diploma or degree is awarded in contravention of this act commits an offense and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.

For the advice of Honorable Members, according to records, 16 cases of counterfeiting of academic documents involving IPTS and other private institutions are accepted by the ministry from 2016 to the present. The majority of these complaints are being investigated by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) under Section 465 of the Penal Code. There are also complaints involving institutions registered with ministries other than KPM.

Complaints received by ministries linking IPTS with the issuance of fake certificates and diplomas without going through the process of teaching and learning were thoroughly investigated and found that there was no solid evidence that this activity took place in IPTS. Most of these false academic qualification sales activities are mastered by certain syndicates based both inside and outside the country. The cases involving such syndicates are taken by the PDRM based on the investigation under the Penal Code or the MACC through the MACC Act 2009. The ministry will continue and enhance cooperation with relevant agencies so that the issue of using this fake academic qualification can be is blocked from continuing.

In addition, MQA also provides an explanation to the Higher Education Institutions through a Dialogue session with PPT held regularly by zone. Every employer of the Higher Education Institute (Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi / IPT) is responsible for screening every applicant's information before being appointed to the respective departments for the validity of the certificate or degree used. In the context of accreditation assessment, if any IPT falsifies application information including academic staff qualification information, it may be subject to action under Section 99 of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007 (Act 679) if convicted to a fine not exceeding RM 20000 or imprisonment for a term not over one year or both.

(Тема большая и сложная, затрагивает как государственные так и частные организации, предоставляющие образовательные услуги., причём преподаватели в частных заведениях обязаны иметь сертификат на право преподавания, выданный малазийским правительством. В любом случае, уверен что заинтересованные лица, претендующие на преподавание в стране или фактически преподающие, владеют английским языком в достаточной степени чтобы изучить ответ министра).

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 16 мар 2019 18:07

Избранные вопросы и ответы за один день заседания парламента. По каждому ответу, более широко и подробно, имеются парламентские обсуждения (стенографическая запись прений), здесь не изложенные. Их можно прочитать на сайте парламента Малайзии согласно разъяснению выше.

14 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 5
PR-1421-L04261 Tuan Su Keong Siong [ Kampar ] to ask the MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES to state in details, on the new policy on hiring foreign employees and when will the report of the Independent Foreign Worker's Management Committee on the preparation of all laws regarding foreign workers intake, to work in various sectors in this country, will be completed and presented.
(Обозначить новую политику по отношению к иностранным работникам, указать дату завершения отчёта Независимого комитета по управлению иностранными работниками (Foreign Workers Management Committee)

Ответ 5
1. Firstly, I answer YB Kampar's inquiry scheduled today jointly with YB Kluang's inquiry scheduled for 19 March 2019 as it relates to the same issue on recruitment policy of foreign workers.

2. For the information of the Honorable Member, the Special Committee on Foreign Worker Management (Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khas Mengenai Pengurusan Pekerja Asing) chaired by the Prime Minister has agreed to set up a Independent Committee on Management of Foreign Workers (Jawatankuasa Bebas Pengurusan Pekerja Asing / JKBPPA) on 14 August 2018 to look at the comprehensive policy and management of employees foreigners in Malaysia.

3. The JKBPPA Report was tabled at the Joint Committee Meeting between the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Human Resources on Foreign Workers' Management on 28 February 2018 and subsequently to be appointed for consideration in the Cabinet Meeting.

4. This ministry will implement Government's decisions to ensure the management of foreign workers in the country is more systematic and with integrity.

(Итак мы видим, что 14 августа 2018г. был создан Комитет по управлению иностранной рабочей силой. Подготовил отчёт по теме и 28 февраля 2018г. представил свои результаты на совместное рассмотрение министром внутренних дел и министром людских ресурсов. Результаты (в том или ином объёме) будут утверждены на заседании Кабинета министров.

В слушаниях не указано ничего конкретного кроме заявления министра людских ресурсов о том, что эта работа проводится с министерством внутренних дел на паритетной основе, а Комитет от 14 августа состоит из 12 человек).

14 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 23
Dato' Rosol bin Wahid [ Hulu Terengganu ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state the additional steps taken by the Government to prevent terrorist threats and ideologies, especially from the Middle East, from spreading among the Malaysians.
(как правительство борется с распространением террористических идеологий и угроз?)

Ответ 23
The threat or influence of a terrorist group is a reality and may have a negative impact on future national security if it is not contained in the early stages. Therefore, the fight against Daesh militant activities is the most important and clear goal of the Malaysian Government. In this regard, apart from law enforcement, the police have taken some measures to protect national security such as:

1. Increase security controls in strategic locations such as tourist centres, important targets and key gateways throughout the country. This security control is run in collaboration with various government agencies such as the Malaysian Immigration Department (JIM), the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (JKDM) and the Malaysian Border Control Agency (AKSEM);

2. Enhance the capabilities and expertise of technology including establishing the Counter Messaging Centre (CMC) websites and social media, collecting, tracking, investigating and identifying elements of terrorism in social media.

3. Improve intelligence gathering information on potential terrorist activities to jeopardize national security and sovereignty. The names of individuals suspected of being terrorists derived from the sharing of this information will be forwarded to the Malaysian Immigration Department to be blacklisted and included in the Suspect List to restrict their movement at all immigration checks / exits nationwide; and

4. Screening of public content delivered to ensure no radical and extreme speakers are emtertained or freely communicate their ideology in the country. Government and national security forces are constantly refining the continuing development of these terrorist activities after taking into account the trend of terrorist threats globally to ensure that the country is always in a safe position from any form of threat.

(Ничего экстраординарного, обычная рутинная работа по отслеживанию, оповещению, информированию и проч. с привлечением соответствующих служб).

14 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 53
PR-1421-L03867 Tuan Ahmad Marzuk bin Shaary [ Pengkalan Chepa ] to ask the MINISTER OF EDUCATION to state the number of registered people's religious school and tahfiz school with the Ministry and the amount of allocation that will be channelled in 2019.
(Указать число зарегистрированных "религиозных школ" и тафизов в системе минобразования).

Ответ 53
For the information of Honorable Members,
People's Religious Schools (Sekolah Agama Rakyat / SAR),
State Religious Schools (Sekolah Agama Negeri / SAN) and
Tahfiz Schools registered with the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) are known as the Government Aid Religious School (Sekolah Agama Bantuan Kerajaan / SABK).

To date, the number of SABKs already registered is 221 schools covering 180 secondary schools and 41 primary schools. Based on the 2019 budget presentation in Parliament, RM50 million was allocated by the Government to be channeled to SABK. The allocation is channeled through the Special Funds Provision (Peruntukan Tabung Khas / PPKhas) Year 2019. In addition, for the year 2019, the Government has also approved a special allocation of RM25 million for the maintenance and repair of Religious Religious Schools and Private Religious Schools is envisaged. This provision is the first time passed by the Central Government which demonstrates the Government's commitment to render assistance.

(Всего 221 зарегистрированная "религиозная школа" по трём категориям, которым в 2019г. выделено 50 млн. рингит на операционные расходы и 25 млн. рингит на ремонтные работы).

14 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 66
PR-1421-L03126 Dato' Sri Dr. Santhara [ Segamat ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state the strategies and measures by the Ministry to address gangsterism in Malaysia. The statistics of crime cases according to the states, districts, races and crimes before and after Pakatan Harapan becomes a Federal Government.
(Указать меры по борьбе с оргпреступностью, статистику в динамике).

Ответ 66
The ministry through the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) tracks the matter seriously and is always committed to combat crimes committed by gangster groups. Recognizing the threats from this sector, the Ministry has gazetted a total of 72 registered or unregistered organizations as illegal organizations because it has identified elements of the secret societies. The action against any member of the group may be taken under sections 43 and 52 (3) of the Societies Act 1966.

The statistics of crime cases registered before the general election and after the 14th general election was 76 695 within 10 months before the general election and 70 359 within 10 months after the general election. Of these two figures, there is a decline of 6 336 cases. The statistics of arrests in crime cases that took place within 10 months before the general election and after the 14th general election is 72 205 and 63 845 respectively. Of these two figures, there is a decline of 8 360 arrests.

(Полицией и МВД зафиксировано 72 ОПГ. За 10 мес. после всеобщих выборов 09 мая 2018г. произведено 63 845 арестов по 70 359 уголовным делам).


Таковы избранные вопросы и ответы за 14 марта. Много вопросов не отражено ввиду:
- повторяемости (фальшивые документы об образовании, энергоснабжение Сабаха - Саравака, ремонты школ, преступления несовершеннолетних и комендантский час и проч.)
- неинформативных ответов (та или иная инициатива переносится на поздний срок и проч).
- нецелесообразности (сугубо внутренние хозвопросы штатов).

С 15 по 17 марта перерыв, далее работа парламентариев продолжится 18 марта 2019г.

Сообщения: 1043
Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 18 мар 2019 23:38

Избранные вопросы и ответы за один день заседания парламента. По каждому ответу, более широко и подробно, имеются парламентские обсуждения (стенографическая запись прений), здесь не изложенные. Их можно прочитать на сайте парламента Малайзии согласно разъяснению выше.

18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 2
PR-1421-L03947 Tuan Nik Mohamad Abduh bin Nik Abdul Aziz [ Bachok] to ask the MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA to state the action imposed on the owner of the social media account found to insult the Royal Institution and Islam.
(Указать меры, принятые по владельцу аккаунта в соцсети, осорбившего ислам и институт королевской власти).

Ответ 2
1. In order to inform the Honorable Members, the Ministry is committed to ensuring the freedom of expression of the people based on the Federal Constitution. However, this freedom should take into account the diversity of cultures and religions in Malaysia.

2.Therefore, the Home Ministry - The Royal Police of Malaysia (PDRM) in collaboration with our Ministry through the Communications and Multimedia Commission (CMC) will take firm action against the parties involved in the such behaviour.

3. The existing provisions of the law such as the Sedition Act 1948 and the Penalty Code under PDRM jurisdiction are the special legislative instruments adopted by the Government to deal with of racial and religious violations.

4. Information was also issued under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA 1998) for improper use of network facilities or network services, based on complaints received from the public and from the affected party.

5. In the present, current laws can be enforced to handle these symptoms, but the updating and improvement measures will be carried out continuously to ensure that the provisions of the law are relevant to the issues.

6. Besides, various awareness-raising programs across the country are also conducted by the Ministry. The program is aimed at educating the public on the ethical aspects of using social media. The program aims to inculcate Internet users to be more accountable and abstain from with provocative content or content that can touch the people's sensitivity.

(Достаточно предсказуемый ответ, подчёркивающий роль федеральной власти как беспристрастного арбитра).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 3
PR-1421-L02868 Dato' Haji Mohd Fasiah bin Haji Mohd Fakeh [ Sabak Bernam ] to ask the MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-BASED INDUSTRY to state whether the Pakatan Harapan Government has drafted the National Agriculture Policy (NAP) in preparation for becoming a developed nation and ensuring that the country produces adequate and high quality agricultural produce to meet the need of the country.
(Разработало ли новое правительство национальную политику сельского хозяйства, меры по обеспечению качественного сельхозпроизводства).

Ответ 3
Implementation of the National Agriculture Policy 2011-2020 aims to ensure adequate and safe supply of food, making the sector of agro-food a competitive and sustainable industry and to increase the income of agro-entrepreneurs.

In order to ensure the achievement of objectives “The Roadmap of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (MOA): Priorities and Strategies 2019-2020” was launched on 14 February 2019. This Roadmap is based on three dimensions of the food sector:
rural economic development
private investment and
international trade.

To utilize the latest modern agricultural technology, the Ministry's Roadmap will focus on the modernization of agricultural practices through increased adoption of agricultural technology (mechanization and automation) and development of national agro food (AgF) database. In addition, the MOA's Roadmap also contains initiatives to enable Malaysian farmers to operate and enjoy the "economy of scale increase". Transitions from small-scale agriculture to large-scale and commercial will be implemented inclusively and focus on raising the income of farmers and fishermen.

For the long term, the Ministry is preparing the National Agriculture Policy 2.0 to be implemented from 2021 to 2030 in line with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.

(Фактически предшествующее долгосрочное планирование пододит к концу уже в 2020г., и новые инициативы и "правила игры" будут заданы с 2021г. Хотя, конечно, их основы закладываются уже сейчас.)


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 5
PR-1421-L02975 Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham [ Beruas ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state whether wives who are foreign national are not allowed to be in Malaysia if her husband no longer supports her presence in Malaysia.
(Действительно ли жёны-иностранки не могут продолжать пребывание в стране в случае, если поддержка от мужа прекращается.

Ответ 5
В перечне ответов отсутствует, будет прояснён в прениях сторон (также пока отсутствуют, этот вопрос будет разъяснён позже при появлении материалов стенографии на сайте). Важен факт вопроса.


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 9
PR-1421-L04190 Tuan Jonathan Yasin [ Ranau ] to ask the MINISTER OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS to state the new steps taken by the Ministry since 9 May 2018 to ensure that the development in Sabah is enhanced so that to balance the imbalance development between Sabah and the Peninsular.
(Достаточно ли повышен уровень мер в целях устранения дисбаланса между Сабахом и полуостровной частью страны).

Ответ 9
1. Efforts to reduce the imbalance between regions and states were given special emphasis in the Mid-Term Review (Kajian Separuh Penggal / KSP) of the 11th Malaysia Plan (Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas / RMKe-11) which was tabled by YAB Prime Minister on 18th October 2018. Strategies to accelerate Sabah's development have been detailed in the 11th Malaysia Plan.

2. In the last two years of the 11th Plan, the Government's development allocation will be distributed with priority given to six less developed states, including the state of Sabah. Under “Rolling Plan 4” (2019), the Sabah state has already been allocated a sum of RM5.01 billion or 9.2 % of the total allocation of the total development. The amount of the allocation has increased by 21.3%, i.e. RM879 million from the previous year (RM4.13 billion in 2018). The allocation is for a total of 119 new projects and 519 project extensions through various ministries.

3. Access to basic facilities and services in rural areas of Sabah is one of the main focus of the Government. In this regard, RM654 million is approved under the RP4 (2019) allocation for Sabah's rural development. The total allocation increased by 35.9%, amounting to RM173 million from the previous year (RM481 million in 2018). This is implementation of programs / projects such as Rural Roads (Jalan Luar Bandar / JALB),
Rural Water Supply (Bekalan Air Luar Bandar / BALB),
Rural Electricity Supply (Bekalan Elektrik Luar Bandar / BELB) and
Communication Roads by the Ministry of Rural Development (Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar / KPLB).

4. Additionally, in order to increase electricity supply in Sabah, the Government through the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) has also approved a RM498 million development allocation in 2019 for the construction of the main substations and the strengthening of existing systems.

5. Additionally, selected sectors that can enhance economic potential will continue to be developed in Sabah. In this regard, some high-impact projects are being implemented by the Government for the development of the Sabah state. The other is the Palm Oil Industrial Cluster in Sandakan and Lahad Datu as well as building blocks and complexes of 50 industrial incubators in Sabah Agro-Industrial Presinct (SAIP) in Papar. This project will be a catalyst for the development of the manufacturing and agriculture industries in Sabah.

(В качестве инструмента планирования указан 11-й план пятилетнего развития (2016 - 2020гг.). Очевидно, здесь надо обратить внимание на предстоящий 12 план, основы которого вырабатываются уже сейчас. По сути отдельные годовые планы являются неотъемлемой частью именно пятилетних планов. Соответствие долгосрочным малазийским интересам должно рассматриваться именно в таком масштабе. При этом каждый отдельный год сопровождается среднесрочным обзором (Mid-Term Review / Kajian Separuh Penggal / KSP), см напр. https://www.thestar.com.my/business/bus ... rm-review/ .

Этот ответ важен не столько цифрами, сколько демонстрацией инструментов планирования).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 14
PR-1421-L03272 Dato' Mohd. Nizar bin Haji Zakaria [ Parit ] to ask the MINISTER OF TRANSPORT to state :
(a)the efforts that have been taken by the Ministry to eradicate the menace of the sale of 'lesen terbang' (illegal license) or fake license; and
(b)the action taken on foreigners with 'lesen terbang'.
(Каковы меры по использованию иностранцами фальшивых водительских прав).

Ответ 14
For the information, an Internal Investigation Committee (Jawatankuasa Siasatan Dalaman / JKSD) was established by the Head Section of Road Transport Department (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia / JPJ). The committee is responsible for identifying the list of illegal licensors as a result of the investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the investigation of the JPJ Integrity Division.

2. In addition, to counter fake driving licenses, RTD has updated and improved Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the issuance of driving license to foreigners which envisage more stringent approval process.

3. Improvements implemented are:
a. Change of the whole process of driving licenses issuance to foreigners starting from September 24, 2018 except for Singapore license holders (for Malaysian citizens who have changed Malaysia's driving license to obtain Singapore driving licenses only).

4. JKSD also has the duty to monitor and propose improvements in the case of unauthorized driving licenses.

5. A total of fifty (50) license surrender cases have been recorded by the RTD during the period of 13 September 2018 until 12 October 2018.

6. All of illegal licensees will be called to investigate under Section 114 of the Road Transport Act 1987. If found guilty, the individual may be convicted under Section 108, APJ 1987, where his sentence is a fine not less RM 5000 or imprisonment not less than one (1) year or both. Until now, no prosecution has been lodged against any of these illegal licensees as all cases are still under investigation.

(Ответ может быть интересен для бытовой осведомлённости).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 21
PR-1421-L02957 Puan Hajah Natrah binti Ismail [ Sekijang ] to ask the MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES to state the latest number of foreigners registered in the country and whether the Government intends to reduce the country's dependence on foreign workers, particularly in the "3D" work sector (Dirty, Dangerous and Difficult).
(Указать количество зарегестрированных иностранцев, каковы меры по снижению зависимости от иностранной рабочей силы в неквалифицированном труде).

Ответ 21
1. For the information, according to the statistics of the Immigration Department of Malaysia until January 31, 2019, the number of foreigners registered and issued Temporary Work Visit Pass (Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara / PLKS) is 2 018 240.

2. Government has indeed been and is taking steps to reduce the country's dependence on foreign workers. Only posts that can not be filled by local workers in the approved sectors are allowed to employ foreign workers. This includes reviewing the types of 3D (Dirty, Dangerous and Difficult) jobs that are typically not popular with locals and how these types of jobs can be improved. The role of employers in this regard is very significant to attract more local workers.

(Всего зарегистрировано 2 млн. 18 тыс. иностранцев с временными рабочими визами. Здесь хотелось бы видеть разбиение по странам, но очевидно страны АСЕАН занимают здесь 99% с десятыми долями от общего числа).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 22
PR-1421-L03980 Dato' Haji Che Abdullah bin Mat Nawi [ Tumpat ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the framework of Islamic understanding and the shariah-compliant model country proposed by the Islamic Da'wah Foundation Malaysia (YADIM).
(Каково понимание ислама и в чём особенности модели соответствия шариату в стране согласно предложений Малазийского фонда Да'ва (отвечающего за политику в области прозелитизма)).

Ответ 22
В перечне ответов отсутствует, будет прояснён в прениях сторон (также пока отсутствуют, этот вопрос будет разъяснён позже при появлении материалов стенографии на сайте). Это вопрос исключительной важности.


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 47
PR-1421-L03988 Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong [ Ayer Hitam ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state :
(a) the latest development on the East Coast Railways (ECRL) project after the negotiation between the Malaysian Government with China; and
(b) specify the downsizing work scope compared to original specification and construction costs after downsizing and compensation payable to China and its payment method if ECRL project is suspended.
(Указать статус постройки ж/д ветки ECRL по восточному побережью после переговоров с Китаем; обозначить объём работ в сторону уменьшения, режим компенсации подрядчику в случае приостановки работ).

Ответ 47
For the information of the Honorable Members, all ECRL projects and related works are suspended by Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd (MRL), a company wholly-owned by Ministry of Finance since the Notice was released on 3rd July 2018.
At present the Government is still in talks with major contractor, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) to reduce the cost of implementing the East Coast Rail Route Project (ECRL). It will determine the status of the implementation of this project later.

(Все работы по ECRL приостановлены по н.вр. идут переговоры с Китаем о снижении стоимости).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 51
PR-1421-L04125 Puan Hajah Siti Zailah binti Mohd Yusoff [ Rantau Panjang ] to ask the MINISTER OF FINANCE to state why the total debt of the Federal Government has increased from RM687 billion in 2017 to RM741 billion in 2018.
(Какова причина увеличения госдолга в 2018г).

Ответ 51
1. Generally, the Federal Government debt level has increased because the Government needs to finance the annual budget deficit that is implemented to cover development expenditure. For the year 2018, Federal Government official debt increased from RM686.8 billion or 50.7% of GDP in 2017 to RM741 billion or 51.8% of GDP. The increase of RM54.2 billion was used to finance the deficit in 2018. This official debt does not cover the payment of debt by the Federal Government as a guarantor.

2. The government will continue to make new loans every year as the Federal Government's financial situation is deficit. The Federal Government makes a loan to refinance its long-term debt and is able to cover its development expenditure. Federal Government debt can therefore be reduced if the Federal Government's financial position has sufficient surplus for financing and development expenditure. For example, over the period of 1993 – 1997 the Government managed to reduce debt from RM95.9 billion in 1993 to RM89.9 billion in 1997, following the annual fiscal surplus in the financial year.

3. Strong adherence to fiscal discipline as well as good debt management continues to be emphasized to ensure fiscal and macroeconomic positions remain strong and can mitigate any crisis.

(Госдолг увеличивается ввиду дефицита бюджета, причём в дефицит закладываются "расходы на развитие" (а не на поддержание устойчивости системы в виде зарплат и ремонтных работ). Соответственно, Малайзия будет крайне осмотрительно относиться к любым прямым финансовым расходам, и будет более настроена на диверсифицированные формы. Это, полагаю, фундаментальная основа - ожидать от Малайзии сотрудничества исключительно с её односторонними обязанностями как плательщика вряд ли имеет перспективу).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 52
PR-1421-L02939 Datin Paduka Dr. Tan Yee Kew [ Wangsa Maju ] to ask the MINISTER OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS to state the action and strategies being implemented to improve the economic situation of the country.
(Обозначить меры по улучшению экономической ситуации).

Ответ 52
1. The Government has set out policies and directions to drive Malaysia economic growth for the period up to 2020 in the Mid-Term Review of 11 Malaysia Plan (KSP RMKe-11), which was tabled in the Honorable Hall on October 18, 2018. This will be followed by the post-2020 development phase to draw up the socio-economic development of the medium and long-term periods expected to be presented next year. The socioeconomic framework introduced in the RMKe-11 KSP will complement the Government's initiative in further strengthening the economic fundamentals and improving competitiveness countries to ensure sustainable economic growth towards developed and inclusive countries. For this purpose, six policy pillars with 19 priority areas and 66 strategies have been identified in the RMKe-11 KSP to position the country on the right track.

2. Policy priorities in the coming years will be to balance the efforts of strengthening the fiscal position and objective of economic growth to address market and investor sentiments as well as to increase people's confidence in economic prospects. The government has also taken proactive measures to ensure that economic growth is increasing. It is imperative to continue to encourage quality investments from the private sector by reviewing existing incentives and providing various funds (such as RM2 billion Government-Linked Investment Fund and RM50 million for joint investment funds) to support the development of technology while ensuring that local investors have sufficient funding support.

3. To complement the above, various efforts have been undertaken among others. The government has established the Economic Action Council (EAC) on 11 February 2019. The purpose of the EAC establishment is to examine and address issues related to economic and financial affairs as well as the welfare of the people. The establishment of the EAC has formed a combination of expertise from various parties including industry players that allow the Government to gain more views and ideas in an effort to formulate policies from an alternate perspective in resolving current issues of the people. In addition, the policy proposed by EAC will be more action-oriented with mitigating and acting on people's feedback on the issues they face, especially in economic matters.

(Указан 11-й план пятилетнего развития (2016 - 2020гг.) и среднесрочный текущий обзор, перекликается с ответом 9 выше. Отдельно упоминаются 6 политик, 19 приоритетных направлений и 66 стратегий в рамках текущего обзора (см. напр. https://www.thestar.com.my/business/bus ... rm-review/ ). Это было одной из основных тем предшествующего заседания парламента осенью 2018г., и заслуживает отдельного подробного рассмотрения. Отдельно в очередной раз подчёркивается важность Совета по экономической деятельности (Economy Action Council / EAC), что, как мы помним, обсуждалось в вопросе 1 за 12 марта (в самом первом вопросе всего заседания).

Необходимо обратить самое пристальное внимание на деятельность этого Совета, тем более в сочетании с предстоящим новым долгосрочным планированием экономического курса страны.


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 55
PR-1421-L03885 Dato' Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein [ Sembrong ] to ask the MINISTER OF DEFENCE to state the current status of the number of exhibitors and foreign delegates who will be involved in LIMA'19 as well as how many aircraft and maritime assets that will take part as a whole. Specify the goals and expectations of the Ministry as a result of organising this LIMA'19.
(б.министр обороны интересуется у нынешнего министра обороны - Количество экспонентов и иностранных делегатов на выставке LIMA-2019, количество участвующей техники. Цели и ожидания минобороны).

Ответ 55
As of February 29, 2019, 387 exhibitors have agreed to participate in the LIMA`19 exhibition with a breakdown of 192 local companies and 195 international companies. Of these, 70% are defence companies while 30% are companies from the commercial sector. For foreign delegations, 598 from 61 countries are guests of the Ministry of Defence and 110 from 38 countries are guests of the Ministry of Transport. To date, 220 delegates have agreed to attend LIMA`19.

Overall, as many as 150 military and commercial aircraft from around the world will be involved in the success of the LIMA exhibition this time. For the maritime segment, LIMA`19 has successfully attracted 104 maritime assets involving warships, training boats, capsules, helicopters and boats.

LIMA exhibitions since 1991 have contributed directly and indirectly to the improvement of national defense development. It is collaboration with the local defense industry and the overseas defense industry that evolves. The objective of LIMA to produce an independent and competitive local defense industry will continue to be implemented. Through LIMA, the country's defense industry will benefit from sharing ideas and technologies with the world's leading defense industry.

In line with the placement of Langkawi and Malaysia as the main destination of Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) in Asia, the Ministry of Defense in collaboration with other government agencies has organized various programs and activities to attract visitors to Langkawi Island. The presence of these guests to the LIMA Exhibition can promote Langkawi Island as a major tourist and leisure destination in Malaysia.

In the event of LIMA`19, commercial sector engagement was further enhanced by the participation of more commercial companies for both maritime and aerospace segments. This is to enable LIMA to continue to compete with other world defense exhibits. The ministry hopes that LIMA`19 will provide opportunities for the Malaysian Armed Forces, enforcement agencies and the commercial sector industry to evaluate the latest technological developments and to conduct market research on military, security and commercial assets worldwide.

Long-term investments and joint ventures between local and international companies and participating countries will continue to be strengthened with agreements and contracts signed during LIMA`19 underway. Hence, the Ministry hopes to ensure that LIMA`19 is running smoothly. Every exhibitor who has invested heavily in participating in LIMA`19 is expected to get a return on investment made through available opportunities by marketing the product to potential buyers through business networking programs planned during LIMA`19.

(По целям и ожиданиям предсказуемые публичные высказывания общего характера о необходимости развития и кооперации. Здесь в немалой степени вопрос зависит от позиции местных игроков в технической сфере, их причастности к бюджетным проектам. Однако, в более широком понимании, полагаю Малайзию заинтересует именно диверсифицированные пакеты предложений, где "оплата товара" силами Малайзии была бы лишь одной из составляющих. Здесь важно правильное сочетание технических потребностей, коммерческих интересов и политической воли обеспечивать более широкие пакеты предложений).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 62
PR-1421-L03037 Dato' Sri Hasan bin Arifin [ Rompin ] to ask the MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-BASED INDUSTRY to state the total rice import from abroad in 2016, 2017 and 2018. What percentage of this total is from the country's rice production.
(Указать объёмы импорта риса 2016, 2017 и 2018гг., соотношение с внутренним производством риса).

Ответ 62
The total import of rice from abroad in 2016, 2017 and 2018 are as follows:
2016, 2017, 2018
Total State Requirement (metric tonnes, mt): 2 500 000 every year

Local rice production (metric tonnes, mt)
2016 – 1 766 115
2017 - 1 656 302
2018 – 1 766 612

Total import (metric tonnes)
2016 – 747 671
2017 – 725 532
2018 - 776 127

Percentage of imports compared to local production:
2016 – 42.3
2017 – 43.8
2018 – 43.9

The table above shows the percentage of rice imports compared with local rice production to meet the needs of Malaysians of 2.5 million metric tons a year.

(Более сорока процентов риса импортируется. Есть пространство деятельности для минсельхозяйства).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 65
PR-1421-L03236 Tuan Chow Kon Yeow [ Tanjong ] to ask the MINISTER OF FINANCE to state the accumulated total amount of debt of State Governments to the Federal Government up to 31 December 2018. Total annual repayment that should be paid by each related parties.
(Указать суммы долгов правительств штатов перед федеральным правительством на 31.12.2018г., указать ежегодные суммы к выплате).

Ответ 65
As at 31 December 2018, the remaining Federal Government lending to the State Government amounted to RM17.62 billion.

(Вопрос интересен прежде всего фактом кредитных отношений между штатами и федеральным центром. Долг штата есть следствие экономического развития штата. Отсюда - готовность политической партии, сформировавшей правительство того или иного штата, выходить на заинтересованный диалог в интересах экономического развития своего штата как своей базовой электоральной опоры).


18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 76
PR-1421-L03303 Dato' Sri Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar [ Santubong ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state since the new Government has just taken over, the number of Government departments and agencies that have been dissolved and the total number of officers, employees and staff that have their services terminated. The total amount of money saved. Whether a new Department or agency will set up and the number of staff and its operational cost.
(Каково число ликвидированных государтсвенных департаментов / агентств после прихода к власти новой правящей коалиции; сэкономленные суммы. Есть ли намерение создават; новые, предполагаемая численность штата и стоимость).

Ответ 76
In line with the policy of human resource optimization to control government expenditure, four (4) agencies were disbanded namely
Land Public Transport Commission (Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat / SPAD),
Special Affairs Department (Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas / JASA),
National Service Training Department (Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara / JLKN) and
Bureau Tatanegara (BTN).

The dissolution of four (4) agencies involves saving the Government RM 100 million a year, including payment emoluments and operational costs. However, the officers and members of disbanded agencies are not terminated but assigned under other appropriate agencies except for voluntary resignation and disagreement with new settlements. Since June 2018, only 1,691 (11.3%) officers from a total number of contract appointing 14,869 people have been terminated because the project or assignment carried out by the officer has expired and 13,178 (88.7%) will continue to serve.

In order to ensure the continuity of the role of the Ministry of Transport in planning the development of a land-based public transport sector, one (1) new agency was established, namely Land Public Transport Agency (Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat / APAD) with 361 posts, lower than previous SPAD with 802 posts. The operating cost of APAD, which covers the resources and management for the year 2019, amounted to RM 44 million.

The Rationalization Program (Kajian Rasionalisasi Program / KRP) implemented by the Public Service Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam / JPA) will be reviewed in detail to ensure there is no duplication of functions. This study will be able to determine which agencies will be dissolved, transferred or retained.

(Отметим реорганизацию госмашины. Примечателен роспуск "Бюро гражданских прав (Bureau Tatanegara / BTN), которое в предыдущем правительстве активно способствовало промалайской государственной поддержке на местах, а также исполняло функции сбора данных о настроениях граждан. Также не вполне ясной была функциональность Департамента специальных дел (Special Affairs Department / Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas / JASA), который ранее, по всей видимости, обеспечивал устойчивость власти как единый координирующий центр, отслеживающий оппозиционную деятельность во всех аспектах.

Не то что эти структуры были бы бесполезны в дальнейшем, но скорее доверять какие-то функции прежнему штату стало невозможным).

Сообщения: 1043
Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 19 мар 2019 17:17

Дополнение по 18 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 5
PR-1421-L02975 Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham [ Beruas ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state whether wives who are foreign national are not allowed to be in Malaysia if her husband no longer supports her presence in Malaysia.
(Действительно ли жёны-иностранки не могут продолжать пребывание в стране в случае, если поддержка от мужа прекращается.

Стенография обсуждений вопроса 5, отвечает замминистра МВД:

Deputy Home Minister [Datuk Mohd Azis bin Jamman]: A foreign citizen who is a spouse or a Malaysian citizen whose marriage is legally registered under the law in force in Malaysia is eligible to apply for a long-term (Social) Visit Pass (Pas Lawatan (Sosial)). This facility is provided to foreign nationals to enter and stay temporarily in this country with the husband or wife of the Malaysian citizen as long as the marriage is still in force. Application must be submitted by a spouse of a Malaysian citizen who is a sponsor to such spouse or sponsor to foreign spouse who is yet to be taken to reside in the country. The Sponsor will be fully responsible for the foreign spouse to ensure that no breach of any law is in force during the duration of their stay in the country on the long-term Visit (Social) Pass.

Accordingly, in cases where the sponsor no longer supports the presence of the foreign spouse be it husband or wife on certain factors such as divorce, death, crime and so forth, the long-term Visit Pass (Social) cancellation shall be forwarded to the State Immigration Office for further action. Thank you.

Dato 'Ngeh Koo Ham [Beruas]: However, in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Constitution, wives of Malaysians are entitled to be registered as a Malaysian citizens. Whether the government is willing to revisit the current practice in which they are given social passes for at least three years, then only apply for permanent resident status, then only apply for citizenship. This clearly violates Article 15. Will the government look at the re-examination of the practices we got from the past government so it does not violate the Malaysian Constitution.

Datuk Mohd Azis bin Jamman: Thank you for the additional questions given earlier. Mr. Speaker, this petition of citizenship passes through certain processes. This is obviously why we do not want that a non-citizen is married to a citizen - if we give citizenship directly to them because of the marital status, we are afraid to be mistaken for this application. However, the application mentioned by the Honorable member may be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs and it will be considered by the Ministry of Home Affairs if it fulfils the conditions set out in the regulation. Before a foreigner is granted citizenship or nationality, he must at least have the permanent residence. They need to hold the PR first within a prescribed time and then be able to apply this PR to the ministry and we will consider their application if these conditions have been met.

Dato 'Sri Dr. Haji Ismail bin Haji Abd Muttalib [Maran]: Thank you Mr. Speaker. My additional question. The presence of foreign workers and their wives also brought trouble to the country and the most problematic was the marriage of foreign workers with local women. I want to know how many foreign workers working in our country are married to domestic women and how many foreign workers have returned to their countries and left our neglected women.

Mohd Azis bin Jamman: In fact, temporary employment permit granted to foreigners does not actually allow them to marry in the country. However, even if they marry they have to file an application to the immigration office for approval. Once again I repeat, PLKS or temporary employment permit does not allow them to marry in our country. However, the application mentioned in beginning of our discussion can be submitted to the ministry for approval and consideration. Thank you.


(Вопрос статуса иностранного лица напрямую связан с 1) получением долгосрочного разрешения на проживание (Visit Pass (Social)), с переходом в категорию 2) постоянного жителя (permanent resident (PR)) и, в конечном итоге 3) получением гражданства.
Очевидно, на первом этапе иностранное лицо полностью зависит от супруга - при разрыве отношений разрешение отзывается. При получении статуса постоянного резидента зависимость сохраняется, т.к. это ещё не гражданство. И лишь по получении гражданства зависимость прекращается.

Со ссылкой на 15 ст.Конституции в адрес зам. министра внут. дел был задан вопрос - нельзя ли переходить к получению гражданства женщинами сразу после оформления брака.

На это замминистра ответил, что в этой связи как минимум необходимо иметь статус постоянного резидента страны. Здесь же смежный вопрос иностранных рабочих, женившихся на малазийках - в связи с чем было подчёркнуто, что факт временного найма не предоставляет права вступать в брачные отношения со всеми последствиями для статуса. Запрошенная статистика по таковым иностранцам предоставлена не была).


Вопрос 22
PR-1421-L03980 Dato' Haji Che Abdullah bin Mat Nawi [ Tumpat ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the framework of Islamic understanding and the shariah-compliant model country proposed by the Islamic Da'wah Foundation Malaysia (YADIM).
(Каково понимание ислама и в чём особенности модели соответствия шариату в стране согласно предложений Малазийского фонда Да'ва (отвечающего за политику в области прозелитизма)).

Не отвечался и не обсуждался - время заседания было занято обсуждением событий в Новой Зеландии, выяснением партийных позиций по вопросам национальности и религии и хозвопросам избирательных округов. Всего были обсуждены лишь первые 13 вопросов из перечня за 18 марта.

Сообщения: 1043
Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
Благодарил (а): 57 раз
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 19 мар 2019 23:09

Избранные вопросы и ответы за один день заседания парламента. По каждому ответу, более широко и подробно, имеются парламентские обсуждения (стенографическая запись прений), здесь не изложенные. Их можно прочитать на сайте парламента Малайзии согласно разъяснению выше.

19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 10
PR-1421-L03683 Dato' Seri Dr. Shahidan bin Kassim [ Arau ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the influx of foreigners, who came to Malaysia and conduct business activities such as eateries, grocery stores and others. Some of them also stole the land in Cameron Highlands as well as in other places which led to chaotic situation causing the locals to lose their rights. The efforts by the Government to combat this activity, arrest them and repatriate them to their home country.
(Указать количетсво иностранцев, имеющих бизнес в общепите, мелких магазинах и проч. Некоторые из них "украли" земельные участки в Кэмерон Хайлэндс и в иных локациях, ущемив права местного населения. Каковы меры в этой связи, включая аресты и репатриацию).

Ответ 10
1. In terms of foreigners influx in Cameron Highlands, according to data from the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM), most of them are workers. A total of 8,133 Temporary Work Visit Pass (PLKS) was issued by JIM in Cameron Highlands until December 2018.

2. In terms of enforcement, since Op Gading was launched in Cameron Highlands at the end of 2014 and until December 2018, 390 operations have been conducted involving 4,794 people examined and a total of 1,962 Illegal Immigrants (Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin / PATI) arrested.

3. In terms of land intrusion or government land steal, since Op Gading was conducted in Cameron Highlands, an area of 5,580 acres of government land was detected being occupied by settlers or illegal gardens. Up to now, 4,887 acres (88%) have been successfully cleansed and re-taken by the government through Op Gading.

4. Lawsuits have also been taken against illegal settlers in Cameron Highlands where 85 Investigation Papers have been opened, 71 investigations and 14 cases have been charged in court and as a result 3 cases have been sentenced to 5 weeks jail with fines; 10 cases were sentenced to a fine (RM380,000 in total) and 1 case was released.

5. The PDTCH (Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Cameron Highlands / Департамент земельных ресурсов и кадастра) has also recently implemented enforcement actions from June to August 2018 on 11 locations of unlicensed government land exploration including destruction of crops and permanent structures. Similarly, notice from December 2017 to September 2018 was issued to 23 unlicensed government land exploration. The latest is PDTCH action to demolish illegal immigrants at the end of February 2019 due to 4 areas (approximately 11.8 acres) of unauthorized exploration.

6. From reports and data received, there was no record that foreigners had been "stealing land" of government in Cameron Highlands.

(В целом речь идёт о незаконном захвате земель через незаконные поселения. За прошедшие 4 года в этой связи "возвращено" около 5 тысяч акров земли.

Интересно само явление и факт постановки вопроса, а также государственная принадлежность фигурантов дел, хотя её с большой вероятностью можно предполагать имея в виду процент иностранцев в стране в общей массе и их принадлежность к низкоквалифицированным сферам деятельности).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 24
PR-1421-L03340 Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili [ Kota Marudu ] to ask the PRIME MINISTERto state the current status of the devolution of power for Sabah and Sarawak and the powers and rights that have been agreed by the Federal Government to be restored to Sabah and Sarawak. The timeframe for the execution and transfer of those rights.
(Текущее состояние по передаче расширенных прав Сабаху / Сараваку, в каковой связи ранее было получено ринципиальное согласие федерального правительства).

Ответ 24
The Cabinet Special Committee (Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet / JKK) to Review the Implementation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 was established to review and make recommendations to the Government on the exercise of the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak in accordance with the provisions contained in the Federal Constitution, Malaysia Agreement 1963 ( Malaysia Agreement 1963) and the matters contained in "Chapter 3, Annexes A and B of the Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee, 1962".

The first meeting of the Steering Committee was chaired by YAB Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on 17 December 2018. The meeting has agreed that an interim report will be tabled within four (4) months and the final report to be tabled within six (6) days from the date of the meeting.

The Technical Committee meeting co-chaired by me and Attorney General, YBhg. Mr Tommy Thomas was held twice on 14 January 2019 and 18 February 2019. As outcome from the meeting, Working Committees were set up to examine issues related to the implementation of the Malaysia 1963 Agreement based on the terms of reference and scope of work that have been set. Among the Working Committees are:

a) Financial cluster - deployed by the Ministry of Finance
b) Economic Cluster - deployed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs
c) Social Cluster (Works) - deployed by the Ministry of Works
d) Public Service Cluster - deployed by the Public Service Department and
e) Social Cluster (Human Resources) - deployed by the Ministry of Human Resources.

All these Committees have appointed their members and initiated their respective discussions in identified research issues.

The Special Committee of the Cabinet will take time of 6 months to submit a detailed report to the Government for further implementation. The position of Sabah and Sarawak will be carefully reviewed based on the provisions under the Federal Constitution and the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

(Легко заметить, что вопрос и ответ перекликаются с вопросом и ответом #76 от 12 марта. Практически никакой новой информации нет, но важен сам факт неоднократной постановки ряда схожих вопросов - их, в различных вариациях, действительно немало по самым различным темам, и при однократном освещении здесь в дальнейшем они не указываются, если не потребуется прояснить детали).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 30
PR-1421-L03035 Dato' Sri Hasan bin Arifin [ Rompin ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state after the 14th General Election, the national unity is seems to be shaken and weak. The measures that should be taken by the Government to improve this situation.
(После последних выборов в парламент представляется, что национальное единство ослабло. Меры правительства в этой связи).

Ответ 30
As we know, even though the GE14 has been overwhelming and the new Government has been established, there are still rumors that Malaysia under the Pakatan Harapan Government's administration will address various unpredictable issues and in managing the complexities of multiracial and religious communities.

The unity of the people is mutually beneficial in any situation. Malaysia's future as a successful nation depends entirely on the ability of the community to open their minds, respect and unite in harmony with the new challenges of life. The government will take several strategic steps to nurture and reinforce the racial unity in Malaysia as follows:

a) Establishing the People's Harmony Consultative Council (Majlis Perundingan Keharmonian Rakyat / MPKR) to strengthen national unity and integration. The establishment of the MPKR is aimed at promoting Malaysia at the global level as a moderate state model that manages racial and religious harmony and serves as a platform for reconciliation.

b) Implementing initiatives and strategies under an inclusive National Action Plan (Pelan Tindakan Perpaduan Negara / PTPN) across all government ministries and agencies by setting specific and concrete programs to foster unity among Malaysians.

c) Obtain and gather views and feedback from all participants in relation to the proposal to enact the National Harmony Act (Akta Suruhanjaya Keharmonian Nasional) which will implement the following functions:

i) to promote awareness and education relating to harmony, unity, integration and equality.
ii) to advise, assist and recommend to the Government steps towards national unity, integration, without discrimination and equality.
iii) to investigate complaints regarding discrimination and identify solutions.

d) Empower the leadership of over 8,000 Neighborhood Committees (Jawatankuasa Rukun Tetangga) across the country to be sensitive to issues or movements that deliberately threaten to divide unity and harmony of the people.

e) Implement programs and activities promoting understanding and harmony and tolerance among multiracial believers such as the World Interfaith Harmony Week, International Day for Tolerance, Harmony Dialogue and others.

f) Look for solutions to racial and religious issues that can cause racial splits and support them at grassroots level through the services of 1,130 Community Mediators nationwide.

g) Improve the appreciation and practice of Rukun Negara's principles to school students at 6,458 Rukun Negara Clubs (Kelab Rukun Negara / KRN) in primary and secondary schools and 164 Rukun Negara Secretariats (Sekretariat Rukun Negara / SRN) at institutions of higher learning throughout the country.

h) Encourage cross-cultural and cultural understanding in bumiputera and non-Bumiputera companies through the participation of Bumiputera and non-bumiputera students through Unity Industry Training Program (Program Latihan Industri Perpaduan / PLIP).

i) Bringing noble values to more than 35,000 children under the age of 6 through 1,781 Unity Tables (Tabika Perpaduan) nationwide so that they are educated on the diversity that exists in this country's society from childhood so that can better understand and sustain it when they become adults so that national unity and harmony of the nation will continue to be preserved.

j) Spread the message and slogan of unity to cultivate unity and celebrate diversity through the involvement of private companies, GLCs and non-governmental organizations (NGO).

k) Organize the continuity of unity and multi-racial programs and activities aimed at forming a united Malaysia with emphasis on raising the awareness, appreciation and practice of noble values to target groups such as children, students, youth, women and ultimately covering all walks of life.

The formation of a new government is sure to bring new expectations and aspirations. However, we need to give time for the new administration to implement it. What is important is that we are responsible and patriotic Malaysians protect the peace and harmony of the nation by avoiding provocation and violence that can cause conflict and disorder. Hence, it is the most pressing task for all Malaysians irrespective of race, religion and political affiliation at the time. This is to ensure racial and religious harmony is maintained and maintained.

(Что же мы видим из этого ответа? Рассматривать его можно в двух аспектах. Во-первых, все эти мероприятия служат некой внутриполитической цели с привязкой к вполне конкретным противостоящим друг другу силам. Во-вторых, перед нами развернулся механизм привлечения административного ресурса, который очень нечасто виден во всей своей полноте и заслуживает внимания).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 32
PR-1421-L03857 Dato' Seri Tiong King Sing [ Bintulu ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the latest statistic of unregistered voters according to race, gender, age and state following the Government's proposal to lower voting age from 21 to 18 years old.
(Указать статистику по незарегистрированным избирателям в разрезе национальной принадлежности, пола, возраста и штата. указать позицию правительства по снижению возраста избирателя с 21 года до 18 лет).

Ответ 32
Up to 31 December 2018,
- the number of citizens aged 21 years and above who have not registered as voters are 3.89 million people,
- the number of citizens aged 18 to 20 years is 1.54 million people.

If the Government proposes to lower age eligible to vote from 21 to 18 years, the total number of citizens aged 18 years and above who have not registered as voters is 5.43 million people. The details of the number of citizens who have not registered as voters are as in the Appendix. However, the Elections Commission (Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya) do not have the details of the information according to race components.

(Это по сути огромный ресурс избирателей, которые в большинстве своём имеют отнюдь не консервативную направленность, а также открыты некоторым факторам влияния на политические предпочтения. Вопрос поднимается неоднократно и очень долгое время).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 41
PR-1421-L04138 Tuan Wong Ling Biu [ Sarikei ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the measures to be taken to ensure that politicians will not abuse the racial and religious issues for political gains at the expense of racial and religious harmony.
(Каковы меры по исключению получения политиками политических дивидендов в связи с расовыми / религиозными вопросами).

Ответ 41
History proves that Malaysia can overcome any challenge if her people are willing to go through the difficulties. In fact, the diversity of Malaysians is our strength. It should not be a source of conflict, but it should be a recipe for success in socio-economic development. Looking at the current situation where racial polarization continues to be a serious issue debating, we should not allow politicians to campaign irresponsibly to divide the people. We also can not allow harmonious relations among the various races to be threatened by excessive racial and political polarization as it can lead to a shift in the diverse races of the country.

The new government formed under the leadership of YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, is always sensitive to issues affecting race and religion and will always ensure harmony is preserved through the following measures:

a) remind political party leaders to keep racial and religious sensitivities and not reprimand open. Every statement issued should not offend any communal and religious adherence.

b) deliver messages to political party leaders in order to remind and give awareness to party members to continuously strengthen unity, especially in today's challenging domestic and external environment.

c) respect each other when giving any opinions and views and do not go beyond the limitations of using language that is abusive when touching racial issues and religion. Although there are different political ideologies and views, each one needs to remain respectful as a habit and neutralize hate politics.

d) alleging in court any politician deliberately raising racial and religious sensitivities so as to incite hatred, misery and annoyance of the people under the law in force.

Putting the words of a respected community activist, YBhg. Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, "what Malaysia needs most to neutralize hatred politics at this time is a builder of the bridge rather than an ethnic hero" is a great coincidence for us to understand the meaning behind those words.

(Всё вышесказанное, несомненно, благородная цель, декларирующая всеобщее объединение на базе общечеловеческих ценностей).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 43
PR-1421-L04144 Tuan Wong Kah Woh [ Ipoh Timur ] to ask the MINISTER OF FINANCE to state the amount of Government's money that have been returned or expected to be returned to the country in the 1MDB scandal issue.
(Указать возврашённые или предполагаемые к возвращению в адрес государства суммы в связи с деятельностью фонда 1MDB).

Ответ 43
As the general public knows, the Government has made a commitment to recover the assets of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) allegedly abused. For that purpose, the Attorney-General's Chamber (Jabatan Peguam Negara / JPN) and the authorities have cooperated with foreign authorities of other countries, such as Singapore, Indonesia, the United States and Switzerland to restore and bring back funds from 1MDB and purchases by using 1MDB funds. The result of the collaboration is one of the things that have been achieved:

1. The government has managed to bring back the Equanimity luxury yacht. Kuala On October 19, 2018 Kuala Lumpur High Court has declared 1MDB as the legal owner of the yacht. In this case, the bidding process for the sale of the yacht is ongoing and is expected to end on March 31, 2018;

2. In September 2018, a court in Singapore has directed that the 1MDB-related fund seized equal to 15 million Singapore dollars be returned to Malaysia. The amount is accredited gradually;

3. The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has entered into agreements with “Red Granite Pictures” regarding their film rights where the total settlement amounted to about USD60 million was paid in March 2018. The settlement paid by Red Granite to the US Government will be brought back to Malaysia in the near future; and

4. On October 30, 2018, the Government has filed an application for the Minister of Finance Incorporated (Menteri Kewangan Diperbadankan / MKD) and 1MDB at London High Court in London to dismiss the Consent Award dated May 9, 2017 which was recorded by the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) in the arbitration proceedings involving International Petroleum Investment Corporation (IPIC), Aabar Investments PJS (Aabar PJS), 1MDB and MKD on the basis of the Award issuance has been affected by fraud and / or conflict with public policy.

Based on the Consent Award, 1MDB and MKD, among others, are to pay obligations of cash cumulatively, approximately USD5.78 billion to IPIC and bondholders. If this application is successful, 1MDB and MKD will be released of obligations under the Consent Award. It is a step that must be taken in the process to disagree on the entire settlement agreement dated 24 April 2017 between IPIC, Aabar PJS, 1MDB and MKD which also includes other terms.

The process to recover 1MDB fund that was underdeveloped is a complicated and long-term process that can last for a long time. This is because it not only involves collaboration among various local agencies with various foreign agencies, but also involves the legal process of foreign courts. However, the Government through the Ministry of Finance, the Attorney-General’s Chamber (Jabatan Peguam Negara / JPN) and other authorities will continue to seek to recover all the 1MDB funds that have been misappropriated either through a particular individual or company and bring all these biggest cases of corruption to justice.

(Фактически ожидает возвращения около 72 млн. долл. США плюс стоимость яхты, которую ещё надо продать. Основная же сумма в 5,78 млрд. долл. США не возвращена, и "долгий процесс продолжается").


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 45
PR-1421-L03172 Tuan Fong Kui Lun [ Bukit Bintang ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the appointment of the board of directors in the Government agencies and GLCs so far according to specific merit.
(Описать назначения в советы директоров федеральных агенств и госкомпаний имея в виду личные заслуги).

Ответ 45
In accordance with the decision of the Cabinet Meeting on 24 January 2019 on the appointment of the Board of Directors of the Federal Statutory Bodies (Badan Berkanun Persekutuan / BBP), the Cabinet has agreed that the Board of Directors of the BBP may be appointed from among the members of a qualified political party. However, the appointment of the Board of Directors of the BBP should be referred to the Prime Minister's filtration and approval in advance to determine the suitability.

In addition, the sixth initiative of National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023 monitored by the National Centre for Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption (Pusat Governans, Integriti dan Anti-Rasuah Nasional / GIACC) has stated that the government will introduce a policy in relation to the appointment of politicians as Chairman or Board Member in
Statutory Bodies,
State Owned Enterprises (SOE),
Companies Limited By Guarantees (CLBG)
based on academic qualifications and / or professional qualifications only to handle the interference of politicians in the Public Service and Local Administration.

(Перед нами разворачивается интереснейшая новелла включения в состав советов директоров профессиональных политиков, одобренных к представлению премьером страны.

А, собственно, о каких организациях идёт речь?

Statutory Bodies - организации, учреждённые федеральными законами. Посмотрим, например, Отчёт государственного аудита за 2015г. http://www.anm.gov.my/images/ArkibBerit ... BODIES.pdf (стр. 61 - 72). Там представлен перечень таковых организаций на федеральном уровне, коих насчитывается сто тридцать шесть;

State Owned Enterprises (SOE) - это то же, что и Government-Linked Companies (GLC), 17 организаций, см. http://www.ideas.org.my/wp-content/uplo ... omy-V4.pdf (стр. 5-6);

Companies Limited By Guarantees (CLBG) - любые компании с государственным участием.

Поэтому надо понимать, что за казалось бы невзрачными формулировками часто кроются далеко идущие последствия).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 47
PR-1421-L03045 Datuk Dr. Haji Abd. Latiff bin Ahmad [ Mersing ] to ask the MINISTER OF DEFENCE to state the objective of the preparation on Defence White Paper compared to the previous Defence Policy, which also takes into account the national and regional security concerns.
(Обозначить цель подготовки Белой книги в сфере обороны имея в виду сравнение с предшествующей политикой в сфере обороны с учётом национальных и региональных вопросов).

Ответ 47
The Defense White Paper (Kertas Putih Pertahanan / KPP) is an evolution to the National Defense Policy (Dasar Pertahanan Negara / DPN) which is intended to be an open document that explains the statement of intention, ability and direction of defense and national security.

Development of Defense White Paper emphasizes three key principles of being inclusive, transparent and evidence based. The development of the White Paper will include review of DPN and performance of the defense sector, especially in terms of investment priorities for military assets and defense budget.

Proof-based diagnoses are implemented so that existing vulnerabilities and gaps can be identified to enable sustainable, inclusive and balanced defense strategies. Contemplating inclusive principles, the KPP's development plans will involve all participants from government and society.

(Абсолютно безинформативный ответ, поэтому дождёмся появления документа о слушаниях по вопросу - на 19 число он пока не опубликован).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 48
PR-1421-L04053 Dato' Dr. Noraini Ahmad [ Parit Sulong ] to ask the MINISTER OF EDUCATION to state whether the Government intends to improve the existing laws relating to forging of academic certificates.
(Меры по противодействию подделке документов об образовании).

Ответ 48
In the context of private higher education management, the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) is constantly monitoring and enforcing Private Higher Education Institutions (Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta / IPTS) to ensure that IPTS are in compliance with the Act and regulations under Act 555 (IPTS Act 1996). Control of Act 555 covers aspects of integrity and professionalism of academic instructors in IPTS. Act 555 provides that the Chief Executive should be registered with the approval of the Registrar General (Ketua Pendaftar) and the teaching staff of IPTS should obtain a teaching permit issued by the Registrar General (Ketua Pendaftar) before being allowed to teach at any IPTS.

If the Chief Executive or teacher states a false or misleading statement in connection with his application for a teaching permit or has intentionally concealed a material fact, then IPTS or Chief Executive commit an offense and liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or both under Section 81 (c) of Act 555. However, for cases of falsification of a degree previously reported, it is being investigated by the Royal Malaysian Police under Section 465 of the Penal Code.

(Перекликается с вопросом-ответом #71 от 13 марта 2019г. (см. в сообщениях выше).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 54
PR-1421-L03513 Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah bin Yusof [ Petrajaya ] to ask the MINISTER OF WORKS to state the number of projects categorised as 'sick' projects and the Ministry's action to address this problem.
(Указать число проблемных инфраструктурных проектов и меры в этой связи).

Ответ 54
For Honorary Members information, a project is categorized as “sick” project when physical work has been delayed for more than two (2) months or 20 percent (as earlier) than the schedule set out in the contract;
and the contractor is unable to improve its performance. As of January 31, 2019, out of 363 projects being under construction 41 projects categorized as “Sick Projects” (Projek Sakit). To address the problem, the ministry has taken action as follows:
1. Monitor closely the performance of the contractor including requesting a recovery plan;
2. Increase the frequency of site meetings;
3. Ensure that work continues flexibly for near-completion projects;
4. Consider time extension if eligible under contractual terms;
5. Issue warning letters and monitor the performance before taking any further action
6.Initiate the termination process by issuing Notice for the Purpose of Termination of Work Contract (Notis Untuk Tujuan Penamatan Kontrak Kerja / NUTPKK); and
7. Envisage meetings of Problem Solving Governance Committee (Jawatankuasa Problem Solving Governance / PSG) at Public Works Department Headquarters.

(Конечно, хотелось бы увидеть перечень "проблемных" инфрструктурных проектов поименно, поэтому будем ожидать вариации вопроса в будущем).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 56
PR-1421-L03123 Dato' Sri Dr. Santhara [ Segamat ] to ask the MINISTER OF EDUCATION to state whether the Ministry intends to ensure that tuition fees for international students in IPTA are 30 to 40 percent higher than the fees charged for Malaysians.
(Намерено ли министерство обеспечить превышение платы за обучение в ВУЗах иностранными студентами на 30-40% выше по сравнению с малазийскими студентами).

Ответ 56
The fees for international students are in line with income generating policies by State Universities (University Awam / UA). The fees charged to international students are based on higher education institutions market rates far higher than local student fees.

For example, the average amount of fees charged to local students for Bachelor of Engineering, Manufacturing and Development at UA is RM 8, 904.11 and for international students the average fee is RM 50, 018.07. This amount shows that the tuition fee for international students is more than 40 percent of the rates set for local students. The UA has full autonomy in terms of determining fees for international students in the fields of study at their respective universities.

(Стоимость обучения иностранных студентов определяется политикой доходности госуниверситетов. Представлен пример, в котором курс обучения иностранца более чем в шесть раз выше, чем для малазийца. Соответственно, можно полагать что университеты не упускают возможности зарабатывать на иностранцах, снижая финансовое бремя в отношении малазийцев).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 67
PR-1421-L03830 Puan Kasthuriraani A/P Patto [ Batu Kawan ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS to state the number of prisoners, who are serving death penalty according to the type of crime and ethnic between citizens and non-citizens from 2009 to date as well as prisoners, who are serving whole-life sentences.
(Указать: количество приговорённых к смертной казни с разбиением по видам преступлений и национальной принадлежности, как в отношении граждан так и неграждан. Указать количество пожизненно заключённых).

Ответ 67
(Отсутствует, необходимо дождаться материалов слушаний за 19 число. Будет дополнено, поскольку вопрос крайне интересный).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 68
PR-1421-L03276 Dato' Mohd. Nizar bin Haji Zakaria [ Parit ] to ask the MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRSto state :
(a)the effort taken by the Ministry to eradicate drug pushers in Malaysia; and
(b)the statistics of drug pushers that have been arrested by the RMP.
(Указать меры против наркодилеров и количество арестованных наркодилеров).

Ответ 68
(Отсутствует, необходимо дождаться материалов слушаний за 19 число. Будет дополнено).


19 марта 2019г.

Вопрос 69
PR-1421-L03020 Datin Mastura binti Mohd Yazid [ Kuala Kangsar ] to ask the PRIME MINISTER to state the number of cases of insults towards Royal Institutions that have been resolved in 2018.
(Указать количество уголовных дел по оскорблению института королевской власти за 2018г).

Ответ 69
In 2018, a case was resolved by the Attorney General's Chamber. A woman was was charged under section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 [Act 588] at the Kota Bahru Session Court on 14 February 2018. The accused had pleaded guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for eight months он March 25, 2018.

(Один случай за 2018г., доведённый до стадии приговора - тюремное заключение сроком на 8 месяцев).

Сообщения: 1043
Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2017 21:19
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Re: Парламентский пульс

Сообщение Евлампий » 20 мар 2019 17:21

Дополнение по 19 марта

По предыдущему сообщению, планировалось рассмотреть более подробно вопрос 47 "Обозначить цель подготовки Белой книги в сфере обороны имея в виду сравнение с предшествующей политикой в сфере обороны с учётом национальных и региональных вопросов" ввиду неинформативности предоставленного ответа,

а также вопрос 67 "Указать: количество приговорённых к смертной казни с разбиением по видам преступлений и национальной принадлежности, как в отношении граждан так и неграждан. Указать количество пожизненно заключённых"
ввиду отсутствия ответа,

и вопрос 68 "Указать меры против наркодилеров и количество арестованных наркодилеров"
ввиду отсутствия ответа,

исходя из материалов парламентских слушаний, следующих за ответом и дополняющих его.

Однако за 19 марта слушания прошли лишь по 19 первым вопросам http://www.parlimen.gov.my/files/hindex ... 032019.pdf , далее парламентарии были заняты обширной темой отношений межда штатами и федеральным центром, социальными проектами, этническими и религиозными трениями и проч.

Будем ожидать вариативного повторения вопросов в дальнейшем, поскольку остаться без ответа они не могут.

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Vladimir MSIA
Сообщения: 3804
Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2015 03:27
Благодарил (а): 950 раз
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Re: Парламент Малайзии в деталях

Сообщение Vladimir MSIA » 13 окт 2022 21:39

Премьер Малайзии Исмаил Сабри Яакоб распустил парламент с разрешения короля.

10 окт – РИА Новости. Премьер-министр Малайзии Исмаил Сабри Яакоб досрочно распустил парламент страны с разрешения короля, новые выборы состоятся в течение 60 дней, об этом заявил в понедельник сам премьер.

"Его величество дал мне аудиенцию во второй половине дня в воскресенье. Он согласился с роспуском парламента в понедельник в соответствии со статьями 40(2)b и 55(2) федеральной конституции Малайзии", - заявил Исмаил Сабри Яакоб, слова которого приводит интернет-версия газеты The Star.

"15 всеобщие парламентские выборы состоятся в течение 60 дней в соответствии с конституцией", - сказал он.

Премьер также рекомендовал главам штатов страны распустить законодательные органы, кроме штатов Сабах, Саравак, Мелака и Джохор, где недавно проходили выборы, чтобы выборы в законодательные собрания штатов совпали по дате с выборами в федеральный парламент. Он заявил, что новые выборы – это наилучший способ избежать политической нестабильности и создать стабильное и уважаемое правительство. Парламентский кризис сложился в Малайзии во время пандемии коронавирусной инфекции, однако в условиях пандемии и связанных с ней ограничений власти решили вопросы смены премьера и перестановок в правительстве другим конституционным методом: представлением королю, имеющему по конституции широкие полномочия, списков депутатов, которые поддерживают того или иного нового кандидата на пост главы правительства. Когда монарх получал такие списки и принимал на аудиенции депутатов, чьи имена оказались в списках, и мог удостовериться в том, что они действительно поддерживают одного из кандидатов, он мог назначить нового премьера на остаток срока полномочий действующего парламента или до его досрочного роспуска.


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